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The Military is Not the Place for Green Social Engineering

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The Military is Not the Place for Green Social Engineering

By: Daniel Horowitz (Diary)  |  November 28th, 2012 at 02:50 PM  |

Morale for our soldiers is the lowest it’s been in decades.  Instead of providing our troops with the best equipment and a decisive mission, we are sullying them with egregious rules of engagement, the homosexual agenda, sensitivity training, and other social engineering activities.  There is one more burden that Obama has added to their list of problems; green energy mobiles!

One of the most preposterous aspects of the sequester is that it randomly cuts the Pentagon’s budget across the board, treating naval ships and green energy programs equally.  As Tom Coburn noted in his recent report on the Defense budget, “Department of Everything,” there are numerous wasteful programs within the DOD.  Most prominently, Coburn discovered that the DOD ran 116 green energy initiatives in 2010, more than the EPA or the Department of Energy.  Specifically, the Navy and the Air Force have been investing in fueling their fleets with biofuels.  All branches have been co-opted into using “green building codes.”

So not only have we foisted the expensive and impotent green regime on domestic activity, we have tied our national security to the success of the failed green regime.  Hey, why not take the E15 fuel on the road to Afghanistan and damage the tanks of our combat vehicles, all the while fleecing the taxpayers with the gratuitous cost?

Earlier this year, Senators Inhofe and McCain inserted two amendments into the committee draft of the FY 2013 Defense Authorization Bill.  One would limit funds for purchasing biofuels if the costs exceed those of normal fuels; the other would bar the DOD from engaging in green venture socialism by supporting construction of biofuels refineries.

That’s a pretty reasonable expectation for the role of our military, right?

Throughout this week, the Senate will consider amendments to the DOD authorization bill (S. 3254).  Mark Udall (D-CO) offered an amendment earlier this afternoon that will reinstate the biofuels programs.  The Senate voted 62-37 to reinstate the green programs.

Can’t we leave the green energy boondoggle out of the military?

I'm so sick of the global warming/green "stuff" I could scream!

This is what happens when politicians have total control over a segment of society. Pet projects, social engineering, it's all shoved down the throats of the segment that can't really say "no".

The Greens are the biggest money for the Democrats...bigger than Hollywood (which is just a subset of the Greens), bigger than the unions.  The Democrats will do for them whatever it is they want.  And no one will be able to do anything about it.


--- Quote from: Rapunzel on November 30, 2012, 01:46:45 am ---I'm so sick of the global warming/green "stuff" I could scream!

--- End quote ---

Biggest scam EVER.


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