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The Global Warming Fraud

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This may come as a shock to you, but scientists lie.
They lie for dollars, billions of dollars.
They lie for prestige.
They lie to gain tenure.
They lie to be part of their majority when majority opinion has nothing to do with science.
They lie by selectively using some of their data and ignoring other data.
And they lie with the simplest of graphs.

When all of the emails leaked exposed global warming as a fraud the democrats changed the name to climate change.

Global warming is like ACORN the same crap with a different name.

Thanks for posting the article as it seems everyone forgot about global warming being very exposed and very fraudulent.


--- Quote from: DeerSlayer on October 15, 2012, 07:23:31 am ---

This may come as a shock to you, but scientists lie.
They lie for dollars, billions of dollars.
They lie for prestige.
They lie to gain tenure.
They lie to be part of their majority when majority opinion has nothing to do with science.
They lie by selectively using some of their data and ignoring other data.
And they lie with the simplest of graphs.

--- End quote ---

No shock whatsoever.  This sort of problem has been around - admittedly in lesser form because the financial stakes were never so high - for years.  It's similar to the incentive scientists have to lie in order to get or maintain tenure.

The question, of course, is how can that incentive be mitigated/minimized?


--- Quote from: Oceander on October 15, 2012, 08:39:32 pm ---No shock whatsoever.  This sort of problem has been around - admittedly in lesser form because the financial stakes were never so high - for years.  It's similar to the incentive scientists have to lie in order to get or maintain tenure.

The question, of course, is how can that incentive be mitigated/minimized?

--- End quote ---

The only way any incentive leaves is if the liberals are told to stop pushing the lie of global warming/climate change. Obama,The Clintons global initiative,Al Gore,most of socialistic Europe.


--- Quote from: Gazoo on October 15, 2012, 08:45:21 pm ---The only way any incentive leaves is if the liberals are told to stop pushing the lie of global warming/climate change. Obama,The Clintons global initiative,Al Gore,most of socialistic Europe.

--- End quote ---

Not necessarily.  The question is broader and has to do with figuring out how to minimize the incentives scientists come under to manipulate or distort their work for political - or financial - gain.  The peer review process is supposed to be one of the protections but as the Global Warming cult has demonstrated, if enough similarly motivated individuals gain control over the peer review process, then dissenting voices are shut out before they can ever be heard.  In other words, the very process intended, in part, to ensure the objectivity of scientific results ends up being perverted and turned into a tool to further the manipulation and distortion of science.


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