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An October Surprise Sprung Early?

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--- Quote from: Oceander on September 18, 2012, 07:58:55 pm ---If it was intended for October, then it's a d&mned good thing it was sprung now.  By the time Nov. rolls around, this should be ancient history.  If they had waited until the last week of October, it would have very likely fatally wounded Romney's campaign.

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I don't think it would have wounded Romney's campaign under any circumstance.

I just about ran into another car on the road at lunch today, when the CBS radio news came on at noon.  CBS.  They played a mundane clip of Biden talking about "your values are in your budget", then one of Ryan talking about too many people being on government assistance and how it is their goal to be able to get those people back into productive employment.  And the announcer said "the flap over Romney talking about how to appeal to Independent voters has brought the campagin discussion back to the issue of the economy and how to get it moving.

That is how CBS radio is reporting it today.


--- Quote from: ScottftlcR² on September 18, 2012, 08:27:50 pm ---I don't think it would have wounded Romney's campaign under any circumstance.

I just about ran into another car on the road at lunch today, when the CBS radio news came on at noon.  CBS.  They played a mundane clip of Biden talking about "your values are in your budget", then one of Ryan talking about too many people being on government assistance and how it is their goal to be able to get those people back into productive employment.  And the announcer said "the flap over Romney talking about how to appeal to Independent voters has brought the campagin discussion back to the issue of the economy and how to get it moving.

That is how CBS radio is reporting it today.

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If true that's a good thing; nonetheless, it's still a better thing that it came out now rather than at the end of October.


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