Author Topic: Limbaugh on Akin: ‘I have a real problem sitting here and telling this man he has to go’  (Read 888 times)

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Limbaugh on Akin: ‘I have a real problem sitting here and telling this man he has to go’
Published: 2:58 PM 08/21/2012

On his Tuesday radio show Rush Limbaugh addressed the controversy that erupted after Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican nominee for Senate in Missouri, said that women who suffer “legitimate rape” rarely get pregnant.

A slew of Republicans have denounced Akin’s comments, and a growing number of Republican elected officials have asked Akin to drop his bid for the Senate.

But Limbaugh said he was not going to tell Akin what to do.

“A lot of you are going to think I’m insincere when I say this — I have a real problem sitting here and telling this man he has to go,” Limbaugh said. “I don’t want anyone telling me what I have to do with my radio show. I don’t like people telling me, ‘You better quit,’ after I’ve said something that I don’t even think in many cases — the double standard is undeniable.”

Limbaugh explained why he believes Republicans and conservatives are victims of a “double standard.”

“We circle the firing squad, they circle the wagons,” Limbaugh said. “One of the reasons why the double standard exists in the way Republicans in public life or conservatives in public life are treated versus liberal Democrats is very simple to me, too. We have made it plain that we care about truth. We have made it plain that we care about honesty. We’ve made it plain we care about integrity and we care about virtue. And so there’s a standard. The other side couldn’t care less about any of that. Their animating force — the thing that gives them life every day, the thing that gets them out of bed is defeating us.”

“We are not unified in our desire to rid the earth of socialists,” he added. “They are unified in their desire to rid the world of us politically.” (NRSC: Akin should end ‘misguided’ campaign)
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Limbaugh reiterated that he doesn’t believe anyone but Akin should decide his political future.

“I’m a guy on the radio,” he said. “Who am I to tell this guy what to do? He’s knows what he’s going to do. He knows the right thing to do. He knows whether he is going to do it or not. He’s got hundreds of people leaning on him trying to reach him by phone or what have you.”

 audio at link

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