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Pets Welcomed

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I have noticed a lot of threads and avatars with photos of your I made this thread for you to post your pics..

I have 3 dogs

2 Bulldogs and a Cavachon..



and little Bo

Proud Patriot:
I have to go learn how to post pictures....

I've gotten lazy as it's so easy to take puctures with your phone then post it on Face Book.

I can at least say that I have 5 cats. I only had 3 until I rescued a little 4.5 month old brother and sister act two weeks ago. They were wandering the parking lot of my hair salon and the owner started feeding them. I think I was set up!  LOL

Anyway, thanks for the thread, Mystery! I'll be back when I've figured things out a little more.

Proud Patriot:
I forgot...... Gorgeous babies! Even though I have cats, I love dogs, too!


--- Quote from: Proud Patriot on August 14, 2012, 09:35:11 pm ---I have to go learn how to post pictures....

I've gotten lazy as it's so easy to take puctures with your phone then post it on Face Book.

I can at least say that I have 5 cats. I only had 3 until I rescued a little 4.5 month old brother and sister act two weeks ago. They were wandering the parking lot of my hair salon and the owner started feeding them. I think I was set up!  LOL

Anyway, thanks for the thread, Mystery! I'll be back when I've figured things out a little more.

--- End quote ---

ask and you shall receive -- instructions on how to do everything you need to do on GBR can be found right here:

I have three Cocker Spaniels. My oldest, Daisy is now blind, but doing just great, the youngest has taken to sleeping in her bed with her instead of on the bed with me -- Lady (the youngest) is the sensitive one of the three... and the middle Missy is the flirt..... here is some pics of my girls:

This is my Daisy in her younger days:


and Missy - my hunter.


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