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"Gun Owners Side With Devil says USA Today" by Nutnfancy

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Video at link here-

They forgot we also are friends with Darth Vader and Hannibal Lecter, we eat puppies, and we don't put the toilet seat down.

Actually the reason we need guns is because we side against the devil in whatever form he puts himself in and sometimes it takes a gun to get rid of that devil.

USA today!   :silly: :silly:  I have a friend who actually believes what they read in that rag..


A question for the nancies at USA Today: how did a gun come to be known as "the great equalizer?"

To answer this, let's start with a bit of history lesson.  Back in the day, large, imposing, muscled men took what they wanted from others through force and a sword or an axe or a bludgeon.  So, if one of these lawless brutes wanted your stuff--your woman, your food, your shelter--you had to stand up to them with an equal weapon and with equal physical strength; face to face.  Back then, might made right.

Fast forward to today--after the invention of the Magnificent Gun.  A frail grandmother with a well placed round from a Smith and Wesson pulled from her purse is plenty strong enough to protect the old homestead from anyone with evil intent, wouldn't you say?  Blessed are the righteous for they shall triumph.

An armed society is a polite society.  End of lesson.


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