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No carry, concealed carry, open carry? Your choice and why?


Inspired by a poll at Cheaper Than Dirt on Facebook.

My response:

Concealed. What I am carrying is for me to know and not to worry others unless the time is needed to defend my life, liberty, or property or that of another. I respect that not everyone is comfortable around this particular tool so in regards to open carry, I wouldn't consider it during the average day in most public places. I would like open carry legal though, due to the convenience for just walking the dog or such where you may need a higher caliber than a concealed weapon may not suffice (I would rather deal with a rabid dog with a .45 vs a .380)

What's the "other" option?  Mandatory carry?


--- Quote from: Oceander on July 25, 2012, 01:17:33 am ---What's the "other" option?  Mandatory carry?

--- End quote ---

Excuse for conversation. I guess it Mandatory could be the Swiss thing, assign everyone a firearm.


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