General Category > Pookie's Toons

Today's Toons 5/25/12

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Good morning, Pookie!  I think the I Own the World piece, while true, is too over the top.  It's the sort of thing you'd expect from DU or Huffington, but too base for conservatives.  As someone who does this myself, it's very easy and sometimes tempting to go blatantly vulgar.  The challenge is to suggest enough that the audience draws the conclusion, rather than beating them over the head with it.  In the latter case, it borders on pornography.

Just my opinion.  I'm glad you ran it, though. I want to see everything conservatives are doing.  I usually like the "I Own the World" stuff but in this case I think it was too extreme.



--- Quote from: Davidfxs on May 25, 2012, 10:04:52 am ---Thank you Pookie, have a great Memorial day weekend....Ooops I need to report myself. FLAG@WHITEHOUSE.GOV

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You're welcome & the same to you, David! No need to report yourself...I'm sure they're monitoring your comments already...


--- Quote from: A.Hun on May 25, 2012, 11:00:45 am ---Thanks for another week Pookie, and enjoy the weekend!

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My pleasure & the same to you, A.Hun!


--- Quote from: illeagle on May 25, 2012, 11:21:31 am ---Thanks Pookie. Another great week! goopo

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You're welcome, as always, Illeagle!


--- Quote from: Oceander on May 25, 2012, 11:44:19 am ---yeah pookie!!!!!

--- End quote ---

Mornin', Oceander!


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