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L.A. RIOTS PICTURE SPECIAL: Two decades on, the most graphic images of gunfights, looting and a city going up in flames

By Phil Vinter

PUBLISHED: 07:45 EST, 26 April 2012 | UPDATED: 18:55 EST, 26 April 2012


This Sunday marks the 20th anniversary of the night when chaos broke out in Los Angeles.

Angered by the acquittal of three white and one Hispanic police officers who had been filmed beating black motorist Rodney King rioting erupted across the city.

When the flames had died down six days later 55 people had died, 2,300 had been injured and more than 1,500 buildings were left damaged or destroyed.

Ahead of the commemorations Reuters have put out a series of dramatic images which tell the story of the days LA was torn apart.

Businesses continue to burn out of control during the third day of the Los Angeles Riots, in Koreatown

many more photos at the above link

I lived through the Watts Riots and the Rodney King riots.... didn't matter where you lived in SoCal, it was frightening.. people at the wrong place at the wrong time like Reginald Denny... who lives out here now. We saw him a few times coming in off the lake in the summer, he's a local boat mechanic and pretty much keeps a very low profile and is probably grateful to be alive.  We watched his beating live on local TV and it still makes me sick to my stomach to think about how brutal it was and how helpless he was with the helicopters hovering overhead filming it and police not about to go in and try and break it up.  He is only alive today thanks to one very brave black man who saved his life who came to his aid after seeing this on TV.... a private citizen did what the police would not do.... drug him out of there and to the hospital.



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