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Students Sign Petition To 'Redistribute' GPAs, But Some Are Too 'Greedy' To Lowe


From CNS News----

--- Quote ---Young America's Foundation's fourth annual GPA Redistribution Petition and Video Contest has produced yet another stellar student entry, this time from Carthage College. This year, the national public policy debate has focused on "fairness" through taxing the wealthy in an attempt to redistribute wealth. Many young people support this socialistic policy.

Yet, when students at Carthage where asked if they would be willing to sign a petition to redistribute GPA points from the top 10% to the rest of the college, most of them said NO. One student said, "No, because I worked hard for my grades!"

Another said, "At Carthage, each student has an equal opportunity to get the GPA they desire." And another, "I don't want my GPA being taken away from me if I had an 'A'."

--- End quote ---

Always fun object lesson.

If only these kids were smart enough to take their feelings to the next logical conclusion -- it applies across the line, not just grades -- then we might actually have some real hope ....


--- Quote from: Rapunzel on April 25, 2012, 03:38:50 am ---If only these kids were smart enough to take their feelings to the next logical conclusion -- it applies across the line, not just grades -- then we might actually have some real hope ....

--- End quote ---

If only.


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