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CNN Spins the Rosen Problem
« on: April 12, 2012, 09:51:22 pm »
CNN Spins the Rosen Problem
April 12, 2012


RUSH: Well, this ought to be good. The spokeskid, Jay Carney, is now getting questions about what Hilary Rosen had to say about Ann Romney. I don't care what the spokeskid says. What's gonna really interest me more are the questions, because it's the media, and they're gonna side with Hilary Rosen. The media is gonna side with her. I guarantee you. (I could be wrong about this.) I got a couple of interesting e-mails during the break. I'm just gonna read one of them. "You amaze me. I thought the Hilary Rosen story would be worth a segment. I had no idea there was this much involved." That's a e-mail from a website subscriber at

And I said, "I know. This is why I say it's a teachable moment, and I thank you for the e-mail." A couple others are like that, too. There were couple saying, "Hey, why are you spending so much time on this? We got it after the first two segments." The reason is it's such a teachable moment, and, "Why spend so much time on this?" Folks, there are reasons galore never to support these people, never to vote for them. Now, I get an opportunity like this handed to me on a silver platter to help more of you understand just who these people really are, I'm going to take it. I keep saying I want to move on, and I do.

But stuff keeps rolling in here like the Ann Romney interview in the Boston Globe in 1994 in which she talks about the economic hardships that she and Mitt went through while they were in school: $62-a-month corner apartment, concrete floor. In that piece, by the way -- in that same interview -- is this passage. This is Ann Romney speaking: "The funny thing is that I never expected help. My father had become wealthy through hard work, as did Mitt’s father, but I never expected our parents to take care of us. They’d visit, laugh and say, 'We can't believe you guys are living like this.' They’d take us out to dinner, have a good time, then leave." Now, folks, you laugh. It was a different era.

Back then the purpose of adults was not to take care of kids! It was to raise them to teach them to take care of themselves. Gosh, it's scary to think that that seems so ancient a philosophy. They didn't expect help. They didn't expect parents to buy them an apartment and so forth. Anyway, here's a segment with CNN's Suzanne Malveaux (Snerdley's old flame) speaking with the co-anchorette, Carol Costello, about Hilary Rosen's remarks that Ann Romney's never worked a day in her life and that most women in America don't have the choice that Ann Romney has. And Costello says, "Keep in mind, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 71% of mothers either work or are looking for work."

MALVEAUX: A lot of us were talking about this on the team and we were just saying, "Wouldn't it be great if you had the choice?" You know, if you didn't have to actually go out and work? You know, everybody kind of wants that choice. They feel like if they could stay home, a lot of people would stay home. And --

COSTELLO: If you asked Hilary Rosen she would say, "Well, that's --

RUSH: Waaaaaaait a minute!

COSTELLO: -- exactly what I'm talking about."

RUSH: Wait a minute. I can't let that go. I'm sorry, I can't let that go. Wait a minute. Does Suzanne Malveaux not understand how she just cut feminism off at the knees here? "Well, a lot of us were talking about this on the team, and we were just saying: 'Wouldn't it be great if you had the choice?' You know, if you didn't have to actually go out and work?' Whoa-ho! So, Suzanne, you are working because you have to, not because you want to? I thought feminism drove you to the workforce. I thought it was having it all! I thought working, having a family, having it all, that was the epitome. I thought there was no choice. What is this, "Wouldn't it be nice if we had the choice?"

Suzanne, you do have the choice. That's the bottom line. These women do have the choice. She's doing what she's doing because she's chosen to do it. (interruption) Snerdley is arguing with me, saying, "No she doesn't have the choice. There aren't enough rich men to go around anymore." You know what? I'm gonna debunk that, too, today. Because all this stuff about the income gap winding, turns out that's a bunch of hocus-pocus, too, from our old buddy Jim Pethokoukis. But, Snerdley, you're falling into the trap. Who says the husband has to be rich for the wife to stay home? You know, we can spend all day here taking phone calls from women who stay at home and raise their kids or who have whose husbands are not rich. That was Ann Romney's point in 1994.

Okay, start this up from the top.

MALVEAUX: A lot of us were talking about this on the team and we were just saying, "Wouldn't it be great if you had the choice?" You know, if you didn't have to actually go out and work? You know, everybody kind of wants that choice. They feel like if they could stay home, a lot of people would stay home. And --

RUSH: Hold it a second! So all of the feminists at CNN were talking in the "team" and if they could stay home, they would? Molly Yard, you hear that? "I am outraged by it! Outraged!" I wonder Gloria Steinem thinks of this: If we could stay home, we would? Okay, so which Republican's fault is it that you don't have the choice? Which Republican's fault is it that you have to go work now? Here's the rest of it. I'm sorry, folks. I can't let this stuff go by without comment. It's just who I am.

COSTELLO: If you asked Hilary Rosen she would say, "Well, that's --

RUSH: Waaaaaaait a minute!

COSTELLO: -- exactly what I'm talking about."


COSTELLO: Ann Romney doesn't have to go outside and work.

MALVEAUX: It's a luxury to be able to choose.


RUSH: Stop the tape. See, these women are in the news business. They haven't thought to do a Google search on Ann Romney? The producers and whoever's on their team haven't thought to maybe do a Nexis search, Lexis-Nexis search and maybe find this '94 Boston Globe story? Which surely they would believe. It's the Boston Globe, for crying out loud! It's not a conservative publication. Ann Romney doesn't have to go outside and work. She did. She did. But even so, that disqualifies her? That disqualifies her from having any "relatability" or understanding of economic circumstances for people? The Democrats have tried this argument many times, like if you didn't serve in Vietnam you have no right to talk about the defense budget. (They tried that on me.)

"If you haven't signed up -- if you haven't joined the military, if you haven't gone and killed a bunch of commies -- you have no right to talk about the defense budget!"

Oh, I can't tell you how often since the eighties I've been hit with that.

So now Ann Romney, she doesn't have to work now means she doesn't have any right to talk about or advise her husband.

Let's see if we can get through the rest of this without my stopping it.

COSTELLO: That's what she was saying, that she didn't understand those 71% of American mothers who maybe have to work.

MALVEAUX: I don't have children, but, man! I admire... I don't know the strength it takes to raise your children right, so...

COSTELLO: Yeah. We can't imagine doing it all, really.

MALVEAUX: Me neither. (cackling) That's why I don't have any!

COSTELLO: (cackling) I don't, either!

RUSH:  All right, so here you have the clucking hens at CNN talking about, "Well, I don't have kids, but I can imagine." Carol, you can't talk about the economy now.  Carol Costello, you are now prohibited from doing any stories on the economy.  You don't have kids, you don't know what it's like.  I don't know if Malveaux has kids or not.  Well, it was just Costello saying she doesn't have kids.  Okay, she did, Malveaux said she doesn't have kids, either.  So neither of these women have kids, and they're in there ripping Ann Romney.  These two don't have kids, but they can do all kinds of journalism on the economy, and they can do every story in the world about what's important to women and what isn't.  But Ann Romney, who has raised five boys, while fighting breast cancer and multiple sclerosis, doesn't have the right to talk about it.

That's who these people are.  And I'm saying it on purpose, they don't have the right.  That's how they think.  It's not that they're not qualified.  It's not that they don't know what they're talking about.  They don't have the right.  They don't have the permission.  And since they don't have the right to talk about it, Ann Romney, she does not have the right to be listened to, either, which of course isn't a right, nobody has to listen to you.  So they're circling the wagons over at CNN.  The White House is trying to push the wagon train outside the Oval Office, and over at CNN they're circling the wagons and the clucking hens are bragging, "I don't have kids, either. Gosh I can imagine how hard it is, oh, wow."  But Ann Romney doesn't know diddly-squat.


RUSH:  Hey, how about this Chyron graphic on MSNBC?  "GOP sensing opportunity to change narrative on women."  (laughing)  How about that?  Republicans are sensing an opportunity to change the narrative on women.  I've got a question for Suzanne Malveaux.  And, by the way, we like all these babes here.  They're journalists and so forth and we play their audio sound bites, and they're who they are.  Carol Costello is the CNN assigned stalker to the program.  When they assign a reporter to us it's always been Carol Costello and they both admitted on TV today that they don't have kids.

So my question is, do women without children have the right to report on stories about children?  Carol Costello and Suzanne Malveaux have no children.  So, according to Hilary Rosen's stated qualification, or lack of them for Ann Romney, should Suzanne Malveaux and Carol Costello not be assigned stories that have anything to do with children or raising them or motherhood 'cause they can't relate.


RUSH: The first question to the spokeskid today, Jay Carney, was about Hilary Rosen, and Carney said he hadn't spoken to The One, hadn't spoken to Obama about Rosen's comments.  But Carney said, "We can all agree raising children is an extremely difficult job."  Jay Carney also said he wasn't sure how many times Hilary Rosen's been to the White House because he personally knows three people named Hilary Rosen.  So, yeah, Hilary Rosen was in there 35 times, but it could have been different Hilary Rosens.  That's what he said. 


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