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Shocker: NBC News Doctors a Tape!
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:05:23 pm »
Shocker: NBC News Doctors a Tape!
April 02, 2012


RUSH: I literally am sitting here shocked and stunned. No, this is not the first time.  They blew up a truck.  Remember back on one of those shows like Dateline, it was GM, might have been a Ford, I don't know, but it was an American truck and they rigged it to blow up as though it would do so naturally.  They rigged the thing to blow up.  But doctoring a tape, they actually left a couple sentences out of the 911 call from George Zimmerman to make it look like the only thing on his mind was race, when it wasn't. Did you not hear about this? We got the audio sound bites to prove it.


RUSH: We've got the NBC edited version of the George Zimmerman 911 call .  This is typical.  I was being facetious when I opened the program and said I can't believe NBC would doctor a tape.  I can definitely believe NBC would doctor a tape.  In fact, I expect NBC, after their investigation, to stand by this thing.  You know what they're gonna say?  Well, Zimmerman said it.  They didn't put anything in that Zimmerman didn't say.  They just left out a bunch of stuff he did say, and they left out a question he was asked.  But they'll say he said it.  Race is a template in the media.  Have you seen the statistics, by the way?  When blacks are murdered the vast majority of the murderers are black, that black-on-black crime is just off the charts, that the number of blacks murdered by whites is way down.  (interruption) Well, what do you mean I'm not supposed to say that?  Yes, there is, and the civil rights coalition acknowledges it, and they don't care because there's no racial component.

Remember, this is the race business.  It doesn't matter if the percentages are 1% of black people murdered are murdered by whites, that's enough to propel the race industry, and they're gonna focus on it, race, race, race.  The fact that the majority of blacks are killed by other blacks. Okay, fine. Let's leave it out there, it doesn't matter. It's not relevant to what we're talking about, they say.  All you need is that one example. And so you've got somebody steeped in media traditions at NBC, and that template is almost branded in their brain. It's almost embellished.  And so if they're reading a transcript and they see that they can assemble the various elements of the conversation in a way that confirms what they believe going in, they'll do it.  And they think they're performing a service.

They don't think they've doctored anything.  They think they're helping everybody understand what's really going on here, what really happened, and they're cutting away all of the irrelevant fat from the story, getting right to the meat and potatoes.  That's what this guy thinks he's doing.  There may be an element of somebody knowingly falsifying this and trying to get away with it.  My point to you is that this is so delved in their brains that they don't think there's anything wrong with doctoring the tape.  Remember, getting to the truth as they see it, and as it's been explained to them, and as they've been taught, is all that matters.  Anyway, we'll play the two segments of the tape to show you what happened, let you hear it. 


RUSH: NBC is self-investigating an edited 911 call from the night Trayvon Martin died.  Let's put this in the right order.  This is what actually happened.  This is a tape of George Zimmerman's 911 call.

ZIMMERMAN:  This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something.  It's raining, and he's just walking around looking about.

DISPATCHER:  Okay.  This guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic?

ZIMMERMAN:  He looks black.

RUSH:  George Zimmerman.  This guy looks like he's up to no good, on drugs or something. It's raining, he's walking around looking about.  Dispatcher:  Okay, is he white, black, or Hispanic?  Zimmerman:  He looks black.  Here's how it aired on NBC.

ZIMMERMAN:  This guy looks like he's up to no good.  He looks black.

RUSH:  A 100% distortion... of what happened.  In order to put together that sound bite that you just heard they had to knowingly and willingly edit the question of the dispatcher and then they had to edit Zimmerman saying he looks black right after he says he looks like he's up to no good.  But Zimmerman wasn't through when he said this guy looks like he's up to no good.  That's where NBC stopped it.  Zimmerman kept on.  After he said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something.  It's raining, and he's walking around looking about."  NBC takes that out. They took the dispatcher question out, and they added on Zimmerman saying, "He looks black."

What is there to investigate here?  Anybody with two ears and an IQ of 50 knows what happened here.  Is the investigation of who did it?  Or are they investigating if it's wrong?  What are they investigating at NBC?  They're investigating how they can get out of this. They are investigating how they can come up with a plausible explanation for this.  That's what NBC is doing.  Listen to them again, play sound bite 15 first.  This is what actually happened.

ZIMMERMAN:  This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something.  It's raining, and he's just walking around looking about.

DISPATCHER:  Okay.  This guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic?

ZIMMERMAN:  He looks black.

RUSH:  This is what NBC aired last Tuesday on the Today Show.

ZIMMERMAN:  This guy looks like he's up to no good.  He looks black.

RUSH: Folks, this is outrageous, absolutely outrageous.  This is one of the most glaring, obvious, egregious examples of racial bias and hatred.  And, yes, it is hatred at NBC that led to this.  There is no compassion here.  There's no open-minded here.  There's no tolerance here.  Why didn't the 911 dispatcher ask if he was a "white Hispanic"?  Isn't that a standard category now?  The dispatcher said, "Is he white, black or Hispanic?"  I didn't hear him say, "Is he white, black, or 'white Hispanic'?"  The New York Times added that for us, into the lexicon.

I wonder if Richard Jewell's attorney is still available.  NBC tried to destroy Richard Jewell.  Remember the name Richard Jewell?  There was a bomb that went off at Olympic Park in Atlanta.  Tom Brokaw went on the air, after he'd talked to his trusted sources, and said that a guy named Richard Jewell had done it.  Richard Jewell sued NBC and a number of other news media outlets for falsely accusing him of setting the bomb at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996.  Jewell was tried and convicted by the news media.

The only problem is he was completely innocent.  He should have been treated like a hero since he's the man who discovered the bomb.  NBC accused him of planting the bomb.  The news outlets that Jewell sued settled for undisclosed amounts.  We don't know how much money was involved, except the Atlanta Journal-Constitution went to court and escaped on a technicality.  So I wonder if his attorney is still out there for George Zimmerman to go use.


RUSH:  This is what Richard Jewell sued NBC for.  The statement was made by Tom Brokaw.  Quote:  "The speculation is that the FBI is close to making the case. They probably have enough to arrest him right now, probably enough to prosecute him, but you always want to have enough to convict him as well. There are still some holes in this case." It's not that NBC accused him of planting the bomb.  I'm not sure that they did, but they accused himself of being involved in this, so much so that he sued them and won for mischaracterizing his involvement.  The whole thing started, the entire witch hunt of Richard Jewell started by a leak from the Janet Reno Justice Department.  That's where NBC got it, the Janet Reno Justice Department.

NBC on their Dateline show or whatever their 60 Minutes copycat show was blew up that truck.  They were trying to show that if you bought and drove this particular truck, beware, it could blow up on you, and they had a demonstration of how this just randomly happens, and they ran the demonstration. It was later learned that they'd rigged explosives in the truck.  And I'm sure they said, "Well, journalistic license to show this does happen, it does happen.  We just wanted to make sure it did happen for our purposes, show what would happen if it did happen."  I mean the pretzels that the news media, the shapes that they twist themselves into in order to justify what they do is mind-boggling.  You could get dizzy trying to follow this stuff.

Now, if every political story aired on State-Controlled Media were to be parsed, subjectivity, spin, bias, prejudice could be found in every one of them.  A template can be found in every story.  Including stories that ran over the weekend about me.  I'm not gonna talk about that, but just trust me there were a couple stories that ran on me over the weekend, and they had to make sure that the original false allegations still ran.  Even though they've been debunked.  Even though the original allegations were not true, they still kept them in there because that's the template.  They do it under the guise of reporting the timeline.

They don't report, "By the way, we got it wrong."  They report that there is some doubt now about what was originally reported, but here is what was originally reported, and here is what Limbaugh's saying now, as though it's still open to question.  This is how it's done.  There is subjectivity, spin, prejudice, and bias found in every State-Controlled Media story.  The difference is only a matter of degree.  But what they did to Zimmerman here, this happens every day, multiple times a day in the way stories are edited, newsmakers, what they say, the way the stories are put together.


RUSH:  So they're telling us that NBC doesn't know by now all the details of their effort to influence a criminal investigation and spread hate.  NBC still can't figure out how they did that.  It's been a week now.  They don't know how they did it.


RUSH: Sound bite 15, then 14.  This is what actually happened.  This is the 911 call from George Zimmerman to the cops in Sanford, Florida.  This a month ago now, four or five weeks ago now.  Here's the original call.

ZIMMERMAN:  This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something.  It's raining, and he's just walking around looking about.

DISPATCHER:  Okay.  This guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic?

ZIMMERMAN:  He looks black.

RUSH:  Okay, is he white, black, or Hispanic?  Note, he was not asked, "Is he 'white Hispanic'?"  This is what NBC aired last Tuesday on the Today Show.

ZIMMERMAN:  This guy looks like he's up to no good.  He looks black.

RUSH:  And NBC has begun as exhaustive investigation to find out exactly what happened here.  NBC News looking at how in the hell could this have happened?  NBC News is trying to find out what happened.  NBC News is trying to get to the bottom of this.  It's a sham investigation.  What NBC is doing, they're focus-grouping a bunch of explanations here to see which one hurts them the least.  You telling me that NBC News does not know by now all the details about their effort to influence a criminal investigation and spread some hate at the same time?  That's exactly what they did here.  They're trying to influence a criminal investigation and spread some hate.  I don't expect them to come to that conclusion.  In their minds, they're incapable of hating anybody.  Liberalism, there's no hate there.  We don't hate.  Liberals don't hate.  They're so out of touch with themselves and everybody else, that's not possible.

Influence a criminal investigation.  Surely this is what they're doing.  Will they admit it?  No.  But what are they investigating here?  What is there to investigate?  Now, the truck that NBC blew up on Dateline.  GM eventually sued NBC over the story.  NBC, they settled out of court, Jane Pauley read a three-minute apology on the air.  But it's not just NBC.  Do you remember ABC doing a story on Food Lion some years ago, accusing them of purposely selling tainted fish and meat?  And that turned out to be not true.  Food Lion decided not to sue because the slander, libel laws are such that it's hardly practical to do so.  They went about it in different ways, going after ABC on the civil side rather than the criminal.  But it's a good story.

The Koran burnings was another thing. What's his name, Isikoff, totally made up at Newsweek, totally made up the fact that Korans are flushed down the commodes at Club Gitmo, totally made it up.  That led to riots and all kinds of stuff in the Middle East, totally made it up.  But it was a good story.  And so was that truck blowing up, it's a good story.  And so is Food Lion selling a bunch of tainted food, that's a good story.  So is George Zimmerman being a racist.  That's a good story.  It's not true.  Didn't happen.  This is the point.  I don't know what there is to investigate.  NBC News purposely lied, knowingly structured the 911 call to make you think something that wasn't true and, in the process, spread a little hate for George Zimmerman and influence a criminal investigation.

It's not just NBC that's been misleading the public.  ABC News is now admitting that the police tape they were the first to air does indeed show some abrasion or gash on the back of Zimmerman's head.  They're admitting that the police tape that they first had did show that after saying that Zimmerman looks clean and pure as the wind-driven snow out there.  We have learned that Zimmerman was cleaned up before he appeared on that tape.  Not to mention the fact that his bloody nose and his head are specifically mentioned in the original on-site police report.  And here's another thing.  We know now also that Zimmerman was questioned by the Sanford, Florida, police for five hours immediately after the incident.  How many times were we told that he was basically just let go?  In fact, how many of you are hearing for the first time that the local police interviewed him for five hours after the incident?

How many of you have been of the belief that all that happened was Zimmerman told his story and they said, "Oh, okay, fine, you're outta here."  That's what the media wanted you to believe happened.  I wonder if anybody will mount a campaign to boycott the advertisers of NBC News.  I wonder if anybody will mount such a campaign for spreading hate and doctoring a tape and putting forth an absolutely untrue, not just a false, but an untrue version of events.  Think anybody will start harassing NBC's advertisers now?  I don't think so.  I don't think that that's going to happen because NBC's not capable of misinformation.  Only conservatives are able to do that.  But liberals in the primary news media, not possible, we don't engage in misinformation.  It's a good story.

And why is NBC doing the internal investigation?  Where's the independent prosecutor?  Where's the outside investigation?  Where's the impartial investigator?  This is serious.  We're sitting here laughing about it, but this is a serious thing that they did here.  Where's the arrest?  Shouldn't somebody at NBC be arrested for what they did?  "Mr. Limbaugh, don't be ridiculous.  Have you ever heard of the First Amendment to the Constitution, freedom of the press?"  Yeah, I know.  Mr. New Castrati is right.  They're free, they can lie, they can make it up all they want.  They can.  They have to police themselves.  There's no doubt about that.

The New York Times can hire all the plagiarists in the world and use 'em until they get caught.  The Washington Post can hire all the plagiarists in the world and use 'em 'til they get caught and then fire 'em.  But that's all that can happen.  This is not insignificant.  This is a major, major breach of honesty and ethics.  It's an attempt to influence a criminal investigation.  It's an effort to spread hate.  I got some e-mails. Snerdley, you'll laugh at this.  "Don't you think you ought to back off NBC?  Rush, they're gonna be gunning for you."  (laughing)  Gonna be gunning for me?  I don't have it up.  I don't have 'em on in here anymore.  I don't play their sound bites anymore. I don't have them on in here anymore.  But the point is, it's a serious, serious breach, especially from a group of people that claim they want to be trusted and never doubted, have instant credibility.

I think this is a crucially, profoundly important thing that's happened here.  The fact that it's sort of greeted with a ho-hum in places is simply a testament to how frequently it happens.  That's why there aren't a whole lot of people that are shocked about it.  When has NBC ever been able to investigate anything?  That's not their job anyway.  It used to be.  When was the last time NBC was suspicious of anybody that had any power?  No, they gotta go out and destroy people like George Zimmerman.  Think they would ever doctor a tape of Obama or Bill Ayers? (interruption) That's true, to make 'em look good, that's right, they might doctor a tape to make Obama look good. Yeah, could well be. 


"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline Rivergirl

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Re: Shocker: NBC News Doctors a Tape!
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 10:20:31 pm »
At this point I am loathe to react to anything written in the press or heard from th media. Any media.

Now comes a story about the two former Reagan administation aides who criticized Chief Justice Roberts last week.   Seems they both endorsed Obama in 2008.  the LATimes didn't thing we needed that information.

Not a day goes by that someone in the msm is lying straight out to us.  Sins of commission and of omission.