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--- Quote from: Lipstick on a Hillary on February 09, 2012, 01:45:09 pm ---You are lucky.  I've been stung 6 or 7 times by scorpions.  It got to the point that, when I lived there, I would never put my shoes on without shaking them out first, I'd never stick my hand in a drawer, or a box, or up in a linen closet without checking it first.   I NEVER walked around barefoot without watching the floor in front of me.  I never put my feet down on the floor without looking first.

 Don't even get me started on fire ants!  When I drove back here from Texas to move here, I think I got stung 4 times in 24 hours, at each stop I made before getting out of the state.  :laugh:  I still laugh about that--they couldn't wait to get rid of me!

--- End quote ---

You must be delicious...


--- Quote from: Lipstick on a Hillary on February 09, 2012, 01:45:09 pm ---You are lucky.  I've been stung 6 or 7 times by scorpions.  It got to the point that, when I lived there, I would never put my shoes on without shaking them out first, I'd never stick my hand in a drawer, or a box, or up in a linen closet without checking it first.   I NEVER walked around barefoot without watching the floor in front of me.  I never put my feet down on the floor without looking first.

 Don't even get me started on fire ants!  When I drove back here from Texas to move here, I think I got stung 4 times in 24 hours, at each stop I made before getting out of the state.  :laugh:  I still laugh about that--they couldn't wait to get rid of me!

--- End quote --- could you sleep with all that around you?

Lipstick on a Hillary:
Scorpions don't crawl up on you (at least not in my experience).  They just always happened to be "parked" where I was stepping or sticking my hand.  One time I picked up a planter and inadvertently brushed it up against me and a scorpion fell off and stung me on the leg, otherwise they were always hiding where I happened to be putting my hands or feet.

Texas is a different place from around here though.. many more nasty critters to be wary of.  Being able to walk barefoot on a lawn without worrying about fireants is such a luxury, and I do enjoy it here in Delaware!


--- Quote from: Lipstick on a Hillary on February 09, 2012, 05:14:09 pm ---Scorpions don't crawl up on you (at least not in my experience).  They just always happened to be "parked" where I was stepping or sticking my hand.  One time I picked up a planter and inadvertently brushed it up against me and a scorpion fell off and stung me on the leg, otherwise they were always hiding where I happened to be putting my hands or feet.

Texas is a different place from around here though.. many more nasty critters to be wary of.  Being able to walk barefoot on a lawn without worrying about fireants is such a luxury, and I do enjoy it here in Delaware!

--- End quote ---

Fortunately for us, we are only in Texas during the winter months.  Most of the creepy, crawly things don't get really bad until spring sets in, I hear. 

My wife loves gardening in Pennsylvania, but being a Texas native, she thinks it's too easy.  Most years she does not even have to water.  Just plant and watch it grow.

Lipstick on a Hillary:
I know. I grew up in North Jersey and enjoyed the same benefit.  I was shocked to learn what hard work it is to garden in Texas!  I DID grow fabulous tomatos in the TX hill country though (in raised beds with very good soil, however).   Better than what I can grow here--I just can't seem to get them enough sun with all the tall trees around.


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