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State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
October 11, 2011


RUSH: Now, on to the Republican primary. There's a "shock poll." South Carolina primary Herman Cain, 26, Romney 25%, Perry at 15%. In Virginia, Cain and Romney are tied. Now, why is it a "shock poll"? Why is it a shock poll? Here we have an articulate, principled, non-establishment conservative, Herman Cain leading in a poll before a Republican primary. The media are shocked. Herman Cain is taking it to, for example, the Wall Street protestors. Every credible Republican presidential candidate ought to be doing the same thing. Every credible Republican presidential candidate ought to be talking about this protest business and the truth and relating it back to Obama and how he operates, how it's artificial, how it's not genuine, how it's not spontaneous, how it's being bought and paid for, the makeup.

Herman Cain is doing this. Herman Cain doesn't have a whole lot of baggage. Romney has Romneycare. Rick Perry has immigration as a problem. Herman Cain's problem is, he's not a politician. He's not an establishment Republican. Now, these polls don't record the preferences of establishment Republicans; they reflect the thinking of individual Republicans leading their individual lives. You might be interested in knowing, ladies and gentlemen, Mitt Romney and Obama never met to discuss the federal health care law, but Romney's advisors did. "New records reviewed by Michael Isikoff" who's now at NBC; he left Newsweek, points out "'White House officials had a dozen meetings in 2009 with three health-care advisers and experts who helped shape the health care reform law signed by Romney in 2006.'

"One meeting, NBC News reports, 'was in the Oval Office and presided over by Barack Obama.' Jon Gruber, one of the advisers who attended the Obama meeting, said that the White House 'really wanted to know how we can take that same approach we used in Massachusetts and turn that into a national model.'" Okay, so obviously now somebody is leaking this; and it's curious to me because I'm convinced the White House wants to run against Romney for this very reason. They hope to be able to discredit and destroy Romney by simply tying him to Obamacare, but leaking this story is gonna give some problems to Romney. Now, let's put this in perspective. If you want the straight scoop, here you go, and listen up: Romney is gonna get this nomination if nothing changes as of today.

This chaos in the streets is distracting from the Republican nomination battle. That's another thing I think that's by design here. All this chaos, all these phony protests is taking the focus away from the Republican nomination fight. Now, what's happening, I think... Romney's out there talking up Herman Cain. Romney's up there saying, "Look, if you can't vote for me, vote for Herman Cain," and he's doing that to defeat Perry. No question about it. Romney has decided he'd have an easier time against Cain. I'm convinced that he believes that. I don't necessarily agree with that, but that's not the point. The establishment now is firmly behind Romney, and every other conservative that's in this race is under attack.

Perry, Cain, Bachmann, you name it. The establishment is now... They're trying to get this wrapped up next week. They want to move the primaries up, they want this done and over. The Republican establishment is trying to take full advantage of the chaos of these protests to just nail this down and end it. They want Romney to be the nominee, and that's that. I don't care who the conservative is. We've got a debate. It's tonight, right, in New Hampshire. You watch... Who's hosting this debate? I've been out of it for the last three days, folks, I hate to tell you, but who is hosting this debate tonight? Do we...? Well, who's broadcasting? Let me ask that.

Do we know who's broadcasting it? Charlie Rose is hosting. Okay. Regardless, here's my point. You watch tonight how the conservatives from Rick Perry to Bachmann to Santorum, you name it, are gonna be targeted in this debate tonight. Because the objective here is to wipe 'em out. The objective here is just take 'em out and elevate Romney by default. They're trying to pick off the conservatives one by one. Cain has emerged now as a major challenger to Romney. Romney is planning to swamp him with money and organization in the early states in New Hampshire and Florida and Nevada. That's how he's gonna get rid of Cain, but he wants to talk Cain up as a means of marginalizing and getting rid of Perry. That's what I think is going on with all this right now.


RUSH: Here's the scoop on this debate.  It's on Bloomberg TV, it's Bloomberg TV's first debate.  Well, Bloomberg and the Washington Post, and it's gonna focus solely on the candidates' economic and job creation plans.  It's hosted by Charlie Rose and Karen Tumulty.  Now, you couldn't get two more classically liberal mainstream media people than these two.  You just watch what's gonna happen.  It's being advertised here as a nontraditional debate format.

"Candidates will ditch the podium and debate while seated at a table next to their fellow candidates and surrounded by audience members. Debate moderators, including famed TV host and roundtable connoisseur, Charlie Rose, Bloomberg TV's Julianna Goldman and The Washington Post's Karen Tumulty, will join the candidates at the table."  It's at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.  Dartmouth is the official host, a fairly decent sized student population.  Yeah, yeah.  The Dartmouth Review is where a lot of conservative -- Dinesh D'Souza got started  there, Laura Ingraham, yeah.  That's where a lot of today's well-known conservative writers got their start, is at the Dartmouth Review.

Anyway, Dartmouth hosted one of the Democrat candidate debates in 2007.  So it's a roundtable debate on the economy and jobs.  And this story here that Romney's advisors met with Obama to discuss the implementation of Obamacare the same way that Romney had done it in Massachusetts?  This is from the Atlantic Wire.  By the way, Mitt Romney -- (interruption) you're looking at me like you haven't heard this.  "Mitt Romney and Barack Obama never met to discuss the federal health care law, but Romney's advisers did.  New records reviewed by NBC News's Michael Isikoff point out that 'White House officials had a dozen meetings in 2009 with three health-care advisers and experts who helped shape the health care reform law signed by Romney in 2006.'  One meeting, NBC News reports, 'was in the Oval Office and presided over by Barack Obama.'  Jon Gruber, one of the advisers who attended the Obama meeting, said that the White House 'really wanted to know how we can take that same approach we used in Massachusetts and turn that into a national model.'"

Now, this is ripe tonight for Perry and Cain and all the others to use.  I don't care whether this debate's not about health care or the economy or whatever.  This is about the economy.  Now, obviously this is the White House leaking to Isikoff, who's no longer at Newsweek; he is at NBC.  Now, it's obvious that the regime wants to run against Romney, and I mentioned this last week.  They think Romney would be the easiest candidate of these three to beat because he's least conservative.  Don't doubt me on this.  There's no question they want to run against Romney.  However, leaking this right now, to come out so close to this debate tonight is a rather curious thing, because, again, just to make this point again, folks, I think what's happening, the Republican establishment is trying to get this wrapped up for Romney now.  They are doing everything they can to smear, marginalize, take out people like Santorum, Bachmann, Herman Cain, you name it, any other conservative that is competing for the nomination.

Romney, for his part, is now pushing Herman Cain.  "If you can't vote for me, vote for Herman Cain.  I like Herman Cain," and the reason he's doing this is to get rid of Perry.  He wants Perry out of the equation.  Because he's decided he'll have a much easier time against Herman Cain 'cause Herman Cain doesn't have any money.  Herman Cain has the least amount of money, although it's changing a little bit but he still doesn't have the money that Perry has and he's nowhere near the money that Romney has.  So what is happening here, Romney wants to swamp Cain or Perry wherever with money and organization in the early states:  New Hampshire, Florida, and Nevada, and that is where he expects to be crowned the inevitable Republican nominee by the lib media.

Our guys are still out, the Republican establishment is still totally interested and focused on what the mainstream media says about them.  It's one of the big problems that we face.  The Republican establishment still craves the approval, the relationship that they have with the mainstream media.  The Republican leadership in the House and Senate both still use the mainstream media as their primary means of disseminating information.  They think that the mainstream media is still the power broker, still the power maker, and they're gonna go through them.  Romney is also signaling that he will consider Cain for vice president.  So he's building Herman Cain up because he figures he can take Cain out.  If Cain can supplant Romney and become number two, then Romney figures it's over.
Cain doesn't have much of an organization, he doesn't have nearly as much money, he could get this thing wrapped up next week, figuratively speaking, which is the objective. That's what's taking place.  Just my humble opinion.


RUSH: Yeah, I may have to rethink that. I may have to correct myself. I'm still not quite sure. With the White House leaking the fact that Romney's advisors were consulted on putting together Obamacare, it would stand to reason that they want to damage Romney and therefore don't want to run against him, that they would prefer to run against somebody else, but that's not what I've heard from other sources. So I gotta sort this out.


RUSH: According to Fox News and Carl Cameron, Chris Christie is gonna go up to Dartmouth tonight and endorse Mitt Romney.  Now, this fits with a theory that I have that the White House might be afraid that Romney's gonna wrap this up too early and they're trying for their own Operation Chaos.  Here's my problem, folks.  I have heard from reputable people that the White House is eager to run against Romney.  I've also heard that they'd prefer to run against Perry.  Now, leaking the fact that Romney advisors helped Obama advisors, including a meeting where Obama was in the Oval Office, implement Obamacare, is clearly designed to damage Romney.  There's no question about it.

I do know that the Republican establishment is desperate for Romney to be the nominee and to have this wrapped up as soon as possible, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the reasons why Christie's going up there to Dartmouth to endorse Romney today.  They're doing everything they can to make sure -- you know, Bachmann, Santorum, they're not in the top tier now, but they want to make sure they stay.  Perry is the only genuine conservative threat to Romney, and this is an effort to take him out.  You got Herman Cain who is going to be promoted, talked up, because if Herman Cain supplants Perry, the thinking is Herman Cain doesn't have anywhere near the organization or the money to compete with Romney.  Nobody does, really, in terms of money.

So, you know, the White House might be worried that Romney will wrap this thing up too soon.  Maybe trying to set up their own version of Operation Chaos with this leak.  And make no mistake, folks, make no mistake, Operation Chaos rattled 'em in the Democrat Party.  You remember what Operation Chaos was.  If you are new to the program, let me tell you.  If you are a veteran, let me remind you.  Operation Chaos, when it looked like Obama, in the spring of 2008, was gonna wrap this up, the nomination of the Democrat Party, I, El Rushbo, as a broadcaster, I wasn't really even thinking about politics so much here, that was secondary.  I was thinking, "Okay, we need this thing to stay alive. We need this Democrat nomination to stay alive. We need to make sure that Hillary doesn't get wiped out here too soon.  We need ongoing chaos," so I, El Rushbo, suggested that people in upcoming primary states, Republicans, reregister as Democrats and vote for Hillary in the Democrat primary against Obama.  And it worked.

It was designed to see to it that they bloodied each other for many more months than would have happened.  Obama was not being beat up.  Obama was The One, he was The Messiah.  The media was kid gloves.  Hillary was standing there stunned.  I mean she was the fait accompli.  This was hers.  She had lived all those years in the swamps of Arkansas, she had given up her whole life to make sure Bill Clinton got somewhere, even though she took over when he got there.  It was her turn.  It was payback.  And then the good old boys network got together and said, "Okay, here comes a well-spoken, clean black guy, he's our guy, to hell with Hillary."  And once again, women took it on the chin, disrespected by the Democrat Party, which claims, like they do with every group that supports them, to have their best interests at heart.

So it was the objective of Operation Chaos to keep that race going as long as possible so that Hillary would stay in it, continue to fight for it, and in the process bloody up Obama, about whom no negatives were being reported, written, or said.  Folks, I'm telling you because the Democrat Party, they talked about it while it was going on, they continue to reference it now and then, and it shook 'em up.  They have no doubt that it worked.  It did work.  There were news stories about increasing Democrat voter registration, and they were shocked, "What's happening here?  More and more people are registering as Democrats on the eve of the primary," and all these yokels in the media, "What the hell is happening here?" and they started looking into it and they discovered Operation Chaos, and then they flipped a wig.  They had it.

So what I'm thinking is that leaking this story to Isikoff is that Romney's advisors had three visits to the White House to advise Obama's people on how to implement Obamacare as Romney had implemented Romneycare, and in one of those meetings Obama was present for the meeting with Romney's advisors. You have to conclude from this that the White House is trying to undercut Romney here.  Now, let me be as blunt as I can.  Everybody in the establishment, the Republican establishment and the Democrat establishment -- everybody in both establishments -- thinks that Romney is the nominee, and they have thought this for a while.  They think nobody can beat Romney, and the reason they think this is Romney's money and he's had seasoning now.  He knows how to do well in debates.  He's mastered the whole presence, smoothness, competent looking characteristics that one needs in these debates.

He is standing head and shoulders above all the others just in terms of debate performance, even before you get to substance.  But they don't want him to win it this soon, obviously.  Now, if they had their druthers at the White House, I think they would prefer to run against Perry.  As cockeyed as they are, they think that Perry would present them a bigger problem than Romney.  They think Romney is beatable.  And they think Romney's beatable because Romney's not conservative.  They think Romney's beatable because of Romneycare, frankly.  In fact, they think it's gonna be a slam dunk over Romney.  They think they have the ammunition to totally deflate and dispirit Republican voters and keep 'em home, and it's with stories like this.  "Romney Advisers Helped the White House Draft Health Care Reform" leaked to Michael Isikoff at NBC News, which shows up on the Atlantic Wire.

So if that becomes the main thing the Republican nominee is known for, that his advisors helped Obama draft Obamacare legislation, they are figuring at the White House that's all they need, Romney's toast.  Hence the leak.  And now we've learned from Carl Cameron and Fox that Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey, is on the way to Dartmouth, he'll be there tonight, for the express purpose of endorsing Romney.  And once again what we have here is the GOP establishment establishing its bona fides.  Well, not bona fides.  Letting us know where they are.  It is them against the conservatives.  The conservatives are Perry, Santorum, Cain, and Bachmann.  And they are trying to wrap this up soon.  So it appears the White House is trying to create problems for Romney to slow him down.  And it's understandable using the Operation Chaos blueprint: Slow it down, keep the chaos surrounding Romney, keep the fight alive, make Romney get bloodied up a little bit in this whole process, and then, in doing that, you weaken Romney.

There's another reason the White House wants Romney.  To them, Romney's Wall Street.  You can see the ad now.  You can see the billboards, very simple:  Romney Equals Wall Street Greed.  Romney was Bain Capital, which is a classic Wall Street firm.  I think it was a hedge fund but regardless it's a classic Wall Street firm.  So White House wants Romney because there are two ways they think they can easily defeat him, Wall Street and health care.  So between Romneycare, which the right hates and which he will not disavow, he will not distance himself from it, between Romneycare and Wall Street, which the left hates, the White House thinks Romney will be their easiest target.

It's clear that that's what's shaking out here.  Sending Christie up to officially endorse Romney is the establishment of the Republican Party also signaling they want this over, they want this finished, they want it buttoned down.  They don't even want to go through the primary process. They want to force people out. They want Bachmann to quit. They want Santorum to quit. They want Cain to get outta here.  Well, he's not going to for a while.  They want Perry to finally throw in the towel.  They want everybody to realize they don't have a prayer.  It's Romney.


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Offline Rapunzel

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 10:29:50 pm »
There's another reason the White House wants Romney.  To them, Romney's Wall Street.  You can see the ad now.  You can see the billboards, very simple:  Romney Equals Wall Street Greed.  Romney was Bain Capital, which is a classic Wall Street firm.  I think it was a hedge fund but regardless it's a classic Wall Street firm.  So White House wants Romney because there are two ways they think they can easily defeat him, Wall Street and health care.

and given what Niki Nitpour said today on Cavuto they will have plenty of amunition as Wall Street has now been unleashed with this endorsement to shower money on Romney..... Obama will play that violin loud and long.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 02:47:20 am »
Romney will be an unmitigated disaster, just as he was an unmitigated disaster for Massachusetts.  The man is just like Bloomberg, years and years of business experience who ends up being a blithering idiot when he gets into government.


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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2011, 03:15:14 am »
I'm inclined to think that it's about time the GOP establishment be given an ultimatum:  no votes for Romney on Nov. 6, 2012.  If Romney is the nominee, there are only two outcomes:  (a) a second term for Obama, or (b) a second first-term for Obama, through his proxy Romney.  In other words, if Romney is the nominee, the only way to avoid voting for Obama is to not vote for President, period.  We should all vote for Congressional candidates (largely because who controls Congress is more important than who controls the White House), but we should not vote for President if Romney is the GOP candidate come Nov. 6, 2012.

I realize that this is another change of position for me, but, just like Mr. Cain, I try to change my views as I learn more about the truth, and the truth of the matter is, the more you look at Romney, the more you can see Obama peeking through:

The only real positive Mr. Romney's supporters can point to his is business experience.  Yes, he has "business experience," but that is largely irrelevant because Mr. Romney never used that experience to guide him in making government policy that reduced the government's interference with business to the bare minimum necessary to avoid chaos and outright fraud; instead, Mr. Romney used his business experience to be nothing more than just a more efficient manager of the state's existing affairs - as another commentator has characterized the Romney regime - and did nothing other than more zealously enforce against private enterprise all of the pre-existing liberal economic policies that were in place before he was elected governor.  Mr. Romney's biggest "achievement" as governor of Massachusetts - other than inventing the precursor to, and model for, Obamacare - was to reorganize a substantial number of the departments and divisions of the Massachusetts government.

In other words, as governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Romney did not attempt to set a new, less antagonistic, approach to private enterprise within the halls of state government, but instead simply made the government leaner and meaner and then used it to enforce pre-existing, liberal, anti-business policies against private enterprise.

This aspect of Mr. Romney's style of governance - being nothing more than a manager, putting the pre-existing legislative policies efficiently into practice without once questioning the wisdom or underlying philosophy of those policies - is almost certainly behind his stated preference for granting "waivers" for Obamacare and his steadfast refusal to commit to actual repeal, as opposed to executive sleight-of-hand.  In short, Mr. Romney is simply incapable of developing any sort of a policy position that is anything other than merely instrumental:  simply being a better cop on the beat than the guy before him, and not seriously challenging the laws he is asked to enforce.

Mr. Romney will not now commit to repeal of Obamacare because he doesn't know which way the wind will be blowing in 2013 if he should be elected President.  If the republicans have sufficient control over Congress to repeal Obamacare, then he will quite happily go along with them - no doubt trying to grab as much credit for himself as possible - and enforcing whatever new laws are put in place of Obamacare.  On the other hand, if the Republicans do not have sufficient control over Congress to repeal Obamacare, then Mr. Romney will do nothing further than grant temporary waivers to Obamacare - all waivers based on executive discretion to enforce existing laws are by definition temporary - and, when the democrats get up enough steam to cause a ruckus such as the one they did in Wisconsin against Gov. Walker, Mr. Romney will, in all likelihood, agree, in the interests of practical bipartisanship, to start enforcing the law as written - because nobody should fool themselves into thinking that the democrats will not viciously attack Romney for usurping the proper role of Congress and trying to become a law unto himself by (initially) refusing to enforce Obamacare by granting Romneywaivers.  In other words, Mr. Romney is really irrelevant to the issue of whether Obamacare will be enforced or repealed:  if Romney is President, then Obamacare will be enforced until and unless the republicans can repeal it; in that case, what matters is making sure the Republicans control Congress, not making sure that Romney gets his turn to remodel the Oval Office.

In the end, Mr. Romney, if President, will enforce Obamacare, as written, unless the Republicans can manage to repeal it.

Then there is Romneycare - Mr. Romney's supporters like to paint Mr. Romney as an unwilling victim of the overwhelmingly liberal Massachusetts legislature, dragged into Romneycare against his will.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  Mr. Romney jumped into designing Romneycare with both feet - as divulged by the advisors of his who subsequently advised the White House on Obamacare - and in fact was the source of the individual mandate - the core unconstitutional provision of Obamacare, and the one key element to enshrining almost complete federal control over every American's life and death.  In other words, Mr. Romney was perfectly happy developing, and then implementing, government policy that imposed substantially greater government control over every aspect of each individual's life.

These are not the actions of a politician who can make any half-way believable claim that he ascribes to any real conservative values.

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2011, 03:17:25 am »
There's another reason the White House wants Romney.  To them, Romney's Wall Street.  You can see the ad now.  You can see the billboards, very simple:  Romney Equals Wall Street Greed.  Romney was Bain Capital, which is a classic Wall Street firm.  I think it was a hedge fund but regardless it's a classic Wall Street firm.  So White House wants Romney because there are two ways they think they can easily defeat him, Wall Street and health care.

and given what Niki Nitpour said today on Cavuto they will have plenty of amunition as Wall Street has now been unleashed with this endorsement to shower money on Romney..... Obama will play that violin loud and long.

Huh.  Interesting.  Did you catch yesterday's Ulsterman Insider piece-the Wall Street guy?  He hinted at pretty much the same thing, but he didn't name Romney or anyone else.


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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2011, 03:28:35 am »
There's another reason the White House wants Romney.  To them, Romney's Wall Street.  You can see the ad now.  You can see the billboards, very simple:  Romney Equals Wall Street Greed.  Romney was Bain Capital, which is a classic Wall Street firm.  I think it was a hedge fund but regardless it's a classic Wall Street firm.  So White House wants Romney because there are two ways they think they can easily defeat him, Wall Street and health care.

and given what Niki Nitpour said today on Cavuto they will have plenty of amunition as Wall Street has now been unleashed with this endorsement to shower money on Romney..... Obama will play that violin loud and long.

Add to that the fact that Bain Capital was a leveraged buyout shop that bought companies, fired many of the employees, then turned around and sold the company.  Regardless of whether or not that was a wise decision economically, in today's employment situation, the democrats will make a farm's worth of hay out of that one.

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 03:35:59 am »
Yep, the Wall Street Insider has been interesting (though DC doesn't believe he is real, I do).......  

Frankly there is nothing Romney represents that I can support and the more I learn about him and his supporters I am not inclined to change my mind about him.... learning that he had JOHN HOLDREN on his team in MA was the final nail in my anti-Romney decision-making... he truly is Obama personified.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2011, 12:20:42 pm »
I certainly believe the original Insider is real.  He's been too accurate with his predictions not to be.  Here is what Insider said LAST APRIL about FNF:

"First up is Eric Holder. He is gonna fall.  Watch for Holder news – it’s coming.  They are gonna fight hard to keep him in there.  He’s done a hell of a job keeping the lid on so much sh-t.  But that’s about to change.  I ain’t saying I trust Issa, but it’s been explained to me that he knows that he’s doing and it’s getting done.  So ok…I’ll see if that’s the case.  Then it’s on to 2012 with the information in hand that will be the result of Holder stepping down from the DOJ."

Read more:

Personally, I think this is going to happen.  :beer:

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2011, 12:45:27 pm »
Does anyone believe Perry can win a debate with Owe-bama?

If you say 'yes' you are LYING to yourself.

And thats Owe-bama's only realistic chance of winning reelection. A clear knockout in a debate with the GOP nominee.

Anything less, and he'll get exactly the same percentage of votes on election day as his approval rating - a trend that began in 92 in American politics.

Today Owe-bama's 'approval rating' is 42 percent.
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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2011, 05:40:38 pm »
Debates do not decide elections.  If Perry, or Cain, can campaign on the town-to-town level better than Obama, then the debates will not be determinative.

If debates really were determinative, then Romney would have already convinced more than just 25% of us that he was the proper nominee.  That he has not simply demonstrates that debates do not carry much weight.

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2011, 05:51:15 pm »
"Debates do not decide elections."

Emmm, 1980. Reagan was 5 points down to Carter when they had their one, and only debate in that election cycle.

One week before the election.

2000. Gore was in fact the 'incumbent' with all the traipings such brings to the table. He was leading W until the debates. W gained a 5 point advantage from those, specifically the debate where Gore showed up in odd lookin 'orange tint makeup' and the debate where Gore kept walking forward and back on the stage. If not for the last minute 22 year old DUI story, there never would have been a recount.

1960. Prior to 200, the closest election in American History. Decided by less than 150,000 votes out of 40 plus million cast. The last debate, televised, is what produced the Kennedy margin of victory - although to be fair as was the case in 2000, there were allegations of skullduggery in multiple states (WV, NM were 2).

2008. The image of a old, cranky man who simply could not connect with voters (you cannot find an American that will pick lettuce for 60 per hour, my friend...) and could not address basic economic questions undeiably increased Obama's victory margin by at least 4 points.
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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2011, 05:53:48 pm »
"If debates really were determinative, then Romney would have already convinced more than just 25% of us that he was the proper nominee.  That he has not simply demonstrates that debates do not carry much weight."

Actually, it demonstrates no primary votes have been held. Last election cycle both of the eventual nominee's were below 20% at this exact point in the election cycle.
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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2011, 06:07:52 pm »
Given your undying love for Romney i take your take on the debate with a healthy grain of salt.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2011, 06:17:26 pm »
No need to make it personal, Rap.  :patriot:

Perry's fading. I know you had high hopes for him. Many did. I gave him multiple debates with an open mind. Many did.

The result is once again he underwhelmed. As I noted, the format screwed him as much as anything else, given what he needed to accomplish. Such is life.

Santorum found a way to have his best night. Bachmann did okay, which was an improvement. Gingrich was his usual insightful self. Cain handled the pressure that comes with his rise to 2nd in the polls fairly well, but he needs to curtail '999' for a while. He's got everyone talking about it, time to back off the retail sales aspect ingrained in him from decades in real world business. Ron Paul reprised his cranky elf schtick.

As Limbaugh noted today, nobody knows why Perry wasn't ready. Don't shoot the messenger's, of which there are many today. Most of them far more intelligent than I am.
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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2011, 07:22:16 pm »
Santorum was so hyper he might as well have been on speed last night, he has nothing to lose and just let it go.... one advantage of being a one percenter........
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: State of the Race: Establishment and the Regime Rally Around Mitt Romney
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2011, 07:25:41 pm »
Trump is going to win AGAIN