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Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« on: October 03, 2011, 09:03:23 pm »
Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
October 03, 2011


RUSH: No, we don't have the audio of what Herman Cain said to Christiane Amanpour. I just want to tell you what he said 'cause I got some e-mails, "Why are you getting so exorcised about this?" The reason I'm getting so exorcised about it is -- and I will admit I'm exorcised about it -- is not to criticize Herman Cain. Our guys are gonna have to learn at some point how to deal with these people. We're gonna have to stop going on their shows if we're not gonna know how to deal with them. When you are a Republican presidential candidate, I understand, they call from you ABC, the Sunday show, you go, you don't say no. You better figure out what they're trying to do by having you on.

It's just like I told the Republican freshmen back in 1994. Cokie Roberts is gonna call you, she's gonna bat her eyes at you, but she's ticked off that you're there. The media is not happy that you are gonna be running Congress. Their objective is gonna be to get rid of you. They're never gonna treat you like the winners. Their buddies, their friends are the Democrats. They invite you on these shows and every moment is a "gotcha." And our people are gonna have to learn to figure this out if they're gonna go on these shows. What Herman Cain said, the question about the rock at Perry's family hunting ground that they leased in '83 I think. They started leasing it and the name on the rock identifying this hunting ground, the N-word. And so the Perry family painted over the rock, and then they eventually turned the rock over. It embarrassed 'em. The Washington Post has this story about just the opposite. No sources, no named sources, no evidence whatsoever.

The point of the Washington Post story is that Rick Perry's a racist because he chose a place that was named with the N-word in it to go hunting. Now, how stupid and absurd is the allegation? Here it is 2011 and the media still think that they can convince readers that Republicans are institutional racists. Imagine, Rick Perry and his family went to a place to hunt in Texas in the early eighties, had the N-word in it, and that's why they chose it. Yeah, 'cause they're racists. It's laughable that they think this is 30 years ago, and people are automatically gonna believe this stuff. So Herman Cain said, "My reaction is that it's very insensitive. There are some words that do not basically inspire the kind of negativity like that particular word. I know that you are refraining from saying that word so I'm going to say what the word was on the rock -- the name of the place was called..." I'm not gonna say it. It was the N-word followed by the word "head."

Herman Cain says, "That is very insensitive and since Gov. Perry has been going there for years to hunt, I think it shows a lack of sensitivity for a long time not taking that word off of that rock and renaming the place. It's just basically a case of insensitivity." Well, Perry did. They tried to paint over it; they turned the rock upside down. Perry had taken the name off the rock, or his father had, back in 1983, if not earlier, and Christiane Amanpour knew that since it was in the Washington Post story. Here was the question that she asked to Herman Cain that resulted in the answer I just read you. "And it's been -- it's been painted over. But the report raises questions about whether this rock, this stone, with that word on it, was still on display even quite recently in the last several years. What is your reaction to that?"

Now, I understand Cain wants to beat Perry in the Republican presidential primary, and I understand how he might have interpreted the question as an opportunity to nail Perry. But wasn't it just last week that somebody called Herman Cain some epithet? I forget what it was, but he was called a name along the lines of an Uncle Tom because he's a Republican black. But what was obvious was that Christiane Amanpour was unable to figure out the Washington Post had no evidence whatsoever to make the claim that the name had been on display on that rock over the last several years because no one whatsoever except for a bunch of anonymous sources who the Washington Post claims, by the way, were pig Perry supporters who just worried about this hurting him, but nobody will go on record.

Now, the reason for harping on this is that it's time now that every Republican running for the presidency know what they're dealing with when they go on ABC, CBS, or NBC. And it's about time they understand one thing. They are not being invited on these shows to be assisted. They are not being invited on these shows because these shows are interested in them. They're not being invited on these shows because anybody related to this show wants to see them succeed. They're being invited on these shows so that perhaps the media can destroy any and all of the Republican nominees or candidates for the nomination. So I cringe when a Republican candidate falls prey to this.

The correct answer would have been to tell Christiane Amanpour it's a nonstory and can we talk about the loss of jobs in this country and the attack on the private sector. This is a nonstory. The Washington Post has no evidence for it and it's time you people stopped in the media, it's time you stopped with your little template here of trying to tag every one of us racist, sexist, bigoted homophobes. It's called offense. But, folks, I'm telling you our side is still deathly afraid of making those people mad. They're just deathly afraid of it. "Mr. Limbaugh, they're deathly afraid of making you mad, too, it said so right there in the Associated Press." Well, yeah, but that's for good reason. No reason to be afraid of these people. These people in the media are one-third as smart. They're not the wizards of smart, they're not the grand pooh-bahs. They could be easily outrun or outsmarted here.


RUSH: Who's next? Susie in Pittsburgh, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. I'm so excited. You have no idea how long I've been listening to you and I'm one of your biggest fans and I'm just so excited to talk to you. I wanted to talk about the incident at the debate where the soldier was supposedly booed. I don't think that he was booed. I think it was the question that was booed. Being a Pennsylvanian and knowing what Senator Santorum has had to put up with when he was up for reelection for the Senate, I think it might have been too frustrated Pennsylvanian supporters of his in the audience who heard this question and just knew they're just trying to stick it to him once again and were upset about the question aimed at the Senator. And I mean in Pennsylvania he was just constantly pilloried by the left on --

RUSH: Sadly, it worked.

CALLER: Oh, it did. I mean they were just brutal to him, and he's one of the most honest, respectable men, and truly a statesman, and this brings me to a question I have for you, too, is that I've noticed that Senator Santorum and Newt Gingrich have been just so marginalized in these debates, and they're two of the smartest people up there. I mean they have done so much already in the Congress and the Senate --

RUSH: All right, what's the question?

CALLER: Well, I'm just wondering why they're being so marginalized even by the Fox people with questions and why they just aren't being heard?

RUSH: Look, I don't pretend to understand how the host or the moderators go about deciding who's gonna be asked what. They don't consult me on that. But I can explain, I think, why both of those guys are having trouble getting traction. You're not gonna like it, but you call me and you ask a question and I think I can answer it. In the case of Rick Santorum -- I don't know this, I'm gonna tell you what I think it is, two things. The endorsement -- remember, we're talking about Republican primary vote, the endorsement of Senator Specter and the fact -- and Susie, you may think this is fleeting but it's not, it's really important. It's not just that Senator Santorum lost his reelection bid. He lost it by 20 points. People remember that.

It may be unfair, but you're asking me for reasons why no traction. And I need to tell you, I love Rick Santorum, he's a friend of mine, and my comment here has nothing to do with whether or not he'd be a good president. I think he'd be a great one, in fact. You ask me why he's not getting traction. Tell you what I think. With Newt, the same thing. You're dealing with 80% of the time a genius. But in that other 20% you get TV commercials on a couch with Nancy Pelosi on climate change, and then you get a joint appearance with Hillary Clinton on health care which kind of dilutes the 80%. His numbers are coming up. Newt's in double digits now, which means that his performances in these debates have been consistent enough and powerful enough that people are focusing on the 80% or 90% that's Newt genius.

I'm fairly confident that my answers to you are correct, but I can't say it with ontological certitude. But as to why the Fox people structure the debate the way they do and who gets questions and how much time, not my job and they have yet to consult me at Fox on this. All I can tell you is they're not debates. They are enlarged press conferences with time limits, and so the skills required here -- that's why Romney's doing well. He's done this for two or three cycles now. You get good at it with practice. I've told you, brevity is the soul of wit. These people are gonna have to learn to say what they think with persuasion and convincibility in 30 seconds. If they can't they're gonna come off as looking incoherent. It's the nature of the beast.


RUSH: I think what's going on here, folks, is the regime and the State-Controlled Media want Romney to be our nominee. That's what they want. They think Romney is beatable. This Perry stuff... You should read this Washington Post story. We'll have it linked to at It's written as though Rick Perry painted the N-word on the rock himself, and I will bet you that a Democrat put that word on this rock way back then.

I'll bet you that a Democrat named this hunting place that name. So what you have in the Washington Post story is they're trying to shape the field, they're trying to pick our nominee. Michele Bachmann: disabling migraines! Sarah Palin: stupid! Paul Ryan: pushed grandmother off a cliff in a wheelchair! And take your pick if any other nominees that they're trying to might there be and what have you. That's why I think our people either need to be schooled how to behave when they go on these shows or punt and just don't go on these shows.


RUSH: Lance, Gulf Breeze, Florida, you're next on the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi, sir.

CALLER: How you doing, Rush?

RUSH: Very well. Actually I'm ticked off here. I've been doing a slow burn all day, but --

CALLER: So am I.

RUSH: -- you wouldn't have known it had I not told you, right?

CALLER: (chuckling) Well, I'm angry, too. I'm an asthmatic, an inhaler-using asthmatic. So dittos.

RUSH: You use Primatene Mist?

CALLER: No, I have an albuterol inhaler.


CALLER: I don't know what the difference is, but, you know, if that --

RUSH: Well, I don't know about albuterol, but Primatene with epinephrine is gonna be banned in January and you're gonna be wheezing out there unless you cough up prescription inhalers for three times the money. Is that what's got you ticked off?

CALLER: No. (chuckles) I just heard that when I was waiting to get on the phone here.

RUSH: Everyday. Everyday the regime is launching assaults on public freedom, privacy, you name it.

CALLER: Yeah, I know, it's a new thing every day. What I was really calling about to start with was this soldier asking the question at the convention down in Orlando. I was a delegate down there last weekend, not this last but the weekend before last, and during the debate when this happened, everything I've heard about it since then is totally distorted. Of course, I'm not surprised by what Obama is saying. He distorts everything anyway. But what happened was two or three people -- I can't be sure exactly and nobody knows; but it wasn't many, just two or three people out of about 5,500 people --

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: -- who were in that auditorium booed, but they didn't boo -- like your audiotape showed -- 'til after the guy finished asking the question and they weren't really... So obviously they weren't booing him and nobody around me thought that. What they were booing about was the fact that that was a loaded question, and everybody there knew that it was a loaded question, and anybody who listens to that sound bite knows it's a loaded question for a GOP candidate, and that's what they were booing about. You know, two or three people. The rest of the people just sat there and were silent. That's what bothers me. They mischaracterized it.

RUSH: Yeah, no matter how you slice it they're booing the question.


RUSH: They were not booing the guy because he was gay.

CALLER: Right. They weren't. They were booing the question because it was a loaded question and they didn't like it.

RUSH: Right. Well, I'm gonna tell you what this is. This is no different than the Duke lacrosse case. You have stereotypes that fit in liberal holes. In the Duke lacrosse case you had "a poor, out of luck, put upon, disadvantaged, bright, intelligent young African-American woman so victimized (growing angry) by the unfairness of this country that she had to trip, she had to show up and do parties taking her clothes off and act like a slut in order to earn a living in this unfair, rotten-to-the-core country -- and who hired her? Oh-ho, yeah! A bunch of rich, white lacrosse players. Lacrosse! An elite sport! Rich white parents and rich white guys hiring this poor, brilliant single mother who's victimized by this country! So whatever she says happened had to be the truth. If she says they raped her, then the seriousness of the charge is all we need. We don't need any evidence!"

Same thing here. What do you have?

A gay soldier stands up, asks a question about "don't ask, don't tell," two people in an audience of 5,000 boo. The liberal stereotypes kick into gear, full speed: "Republicans, who are homophobes, were booing this brave, courageous soldier who showed up in the midst of the enemy -- the Republican Party, at a Republican Party debate! Yeah. They were booing him because they're a bunch of homophobes." So that's exactly what's happening here. "Nature of the evidence? Irrelevant. Seriousness of the charge, all we need!" They are doing essentially the same thing with Rick Perry and this death penalty question at the CNN debate.

They were claiming out there that the Republican Party, "The audience was bloodthirsty -- practically a bunch of vampires! The Republican audience is bloodthirsty and want the killing! They love state executions! They love putting to death innocent minority people -- the greatest people on earth, never did a thing wrong except be born in this country and they're victimized by the white-run world!" So all they're doing there is claiming that the Republican -- a bunch of bloodthirsty killers reveling in the death of others when in fact they were supporting Texas enforcing its laws. That was the reason there was cheering in that debate for Perry.


"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Offline Badeye

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 09:16:48 pm »
No worries, Perry was a DEMOCRAT BACK THEN!

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Offline massadvj

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2011, 09:43:38 pm »
RUSH: I think what's going on here, folks, is the regime and the State-Controlled Media want Romney to be our nominee. That's what they want. They think Romney is beatable.

Not entirely correct.  They think Romney is within their range of liberal acceptability, so if he wins, they don't lose.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2011, 06:52:39 am »
Massadjv, just look at the people right here falling right into the Romney/Media flytrap...... :shrug:
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2011, 11:54:50 am »
Massadjv, just look at the people right here falling right into the Romney/Media flytrap...... :shrug:

People get committed to a candidate and then they put blinders on.  Later, the flaws they knew were there show up when the man governs, and at some point they wonder what they were thinking.  The same thing happened to me when I supported Bush in 2000.  The "compassionate conservative" thing should have been a giant red flag, but I told myself it was just a marketing gimmick.  Eight years later, with new entitlements in education and Medicare, massive deficits, Campaign Finance Reform and the country having become more socialist than it had under Clinton, I realized I was wrong.  GWB was a statist.  He told us so and we didn't listen.

Romney is also telling us he is a statist.  Are we going to listen this time, or are we just going to keep going down this road that will lead to tyranny, economic disaster or both?
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 11:56:28 am by massadvj »

Offline Badeye

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2011, 12:13:03 pm »
I agree with your comments about Bush in 2000, and the end result. 'Compassionate Conservative' wasn't meant to quell doubts on the Left or Center, it was meant for Conservatives.

Its what a Moderate does every election, pretends to be a Conservative for six months. See McCain, another great example. Nobody has ever run a 'Vote for me, I'm a Moderate!' campaign commercial, nor purchased 10K worth of yard signs proclaiming it. The reason is obvious.

That all noted and remarked upon, this election is about the economy. Everything else is a distraction from the number one issue that is hurting us ALL, dem or repub, independent or whatever. No matter how much you spin it, 'growing the government' simply isn't possible financially, nor in the coming GOP controlled House and Senate. We desperately need 48 months with a Whitehouse focused exclusively on getting the economy moving again. Romney is the best equiped to get taht done.
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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2011, 12:32:58 pm »
I agree with your comments about Bush in 2000, and the end result. 'Compassionate Conservative' wasn't meant to quell doubts on the Left or Center, it was meant for Conservatives.

Its what a Moderate does every election, pretends to be a Conservative for six months. See McCain, another great example. Nobody has ever run a 'Vote for me, I'm a Moderate!' campaign commercial, nor purchased 10K worth of yard signs proclaiming it. The reason is obvious.

That all noted and remarked upon, this election is about the economy. Everything else is a distraction from the number one issue that is hurting us ALL, dem or repub, independent or whatever. No matter how much you spin it, 'growing the government' simply isn't possible financially, nor in the coming GOP controlled House and Senate. We desperately need 48 months with a Whitehouse focused exclusively on getting the economy moving again. Romney is the best equiped to get taht done.

You just keep telling yourself that, even though there is no evidence of it.  Yes, he is personally rich, but that is no recommendation as people who get as rich as Romney tend to leave a lot of baggage in their wake.  Romney's baggage will not come out in a tidal wave until after he is nominated because the MSM is steering things his way.  But once he locks up the nomination, they will tag him big time, and there is plenty out there to tag him with.  And once they start tagging him, there will be no conservative outrage or firewall (ie, McCain 2008).

Also, he did not manage Massachusetts all that well.  In fact, he abandoned an attempt at a second term because he knew he could not win re-election.  The state today is financially saddled with his "legacy" health care initiative, and he continues to insist it was right for Massachusetts.

Everything about Mitt Romney should scream "you'll be sorry."  Everything.  His personality, his desperation, his record.

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2011, 12:50:40 pm »
" Romney tend to leave a lot of baggage in their wake.  Romney's baggage will not come out in a tidal wave until after he is nominated because the MSM is steering things his way.'

You don't think that would have come out in 08? Seriously?

2nd, gee that vague claim could be coming from the 'occupy wall street' crowd today. Oh, wait, IT IS COMING FROM THEM, they just haven't assigned a specific name.
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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2011, 12:56:54 pm »
You don't think that would have come out in 08? Seriously?

A lot of it is already out there, but right now it's whispered in mostly right wing media.  It will not go out big time until he is nominated.  Then he will become the job-killing corporate layoff king at a time of massive unemployment, among other things.

And, no, he was not fully vetted in 2008 because he did not get the nomination.  I suspect the MSM dossiers are bursting at the seams with stuff on this guy, and they are waiting for the opportunity to spring it.

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2011, 01:10:08 pm »
"A lot of it is already out there, but right now it's whispered in mostly right wing media."


And I'll note 'fearing what the media might have' given its liberal bias, in effect, is allowing the Left to pick our nominee, or at least influence it heavily.

I've never once seen an investor, or a stockholder, or an employee of Romney's come forth with a complaint. Maybe I missed it?
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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2011, 01:50:52 pm »
"A lot of it is already out there, but right now it's whispered in mostly right wing media."
And I'll note 'fearing what the media might have' given its liberal bias, in effect, is allowing the Left to pick our nominee, or at least influence it heavily.

I've never once seen an investor, or a stockholder, or an employee of Romney's come forth with a complaint. Maybe I missed it?

Take your pick.  There is plenty of material to choose from:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=f2d1beb1c4e15df7&biw=1280&bih=845

It seems Romney supporters want us nominate him out of fear of the MSM but they don't seem too receptive to hearing an argument the other way.

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2011, 08:58:10 pm »
McCain had 183 pages of info they never unleashed...  all that will come out......... all of it!!!!!!!
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Badeye

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2011, 09:12:43 pm »
Sorry, McCain couldn't find his ass with both hands in his back pockets.

And honestly, you two detested McCain almost as much, if not more, than I did. Citing him HERE?



Next up, Romney had baby McCain's baby! Oh...maybe the other way around....
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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2011, 12:54:44 am »
Romney is a statist, not because he is an ideological statist, a socialist or a fascist, but because he appears to be a one-note wonder who cannot seem to tell the difference between a private enterprise and the government.  Yes, he has strong business skills, but when he moved into the Mass. governorship, he didn't look to those skills to give him guidance on how the state government could/should reduce the burdens it imposed on private enterprise, he instead used those skills to bully private enterprise, to act as if the government were just one more competitor in the marketplace and his job to make sure that it beat all of the other competitors. 

And the inevitable, necessary consequences of his actions?  More power, more control, and more money taken by the government at the expense of private enterprise and private individuals.  That is the functional equivalent of an ideological statist, and it is what makes Romney so dangerous:  not because he means ill, but because he simply cannot tell the difference between private enterprise and the government.

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2011, 01:48:45 am »
All the reasons for why not Romney are neatly chronocled in this NYPost article:


Romney's past is more a working class zero

Posted: 10:55 PM, February 19, 2011

Likely Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been out on the pre-campaign trail this month saying he is the man to get Americans back to work, despite a spotty jobs record while on Wall Street.

However, the former private equity firm chief's fortune -- which has funded his political ambitions from the Massachusetts statehouse to his unsuccessful run for the White House in 2008 -- was made on the backs of companies that ultimately collapsed, putting thousands of ordinary Americans out on the street. That truth if it becomes widely known could become costly to Romney, who, while making the media rounds recently, told CNN's Piers Morgan that "People in America want to know who can get 15 million people back to work," implying he was that person.
2012 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney recently said he can put Americans back to work, but his record as a private-equity owner speaks otherwise.
2012 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney recently said he can put Americans back to work, but his record as a private-equity owner speaks otherwise.

Romney's private equity firm, Bain Capital, bought companies and often increased short-term earnings so those businesses could then borrow enormous amounts of money. That borrowed money was used to pay Bain dividends. Then those businesses needed to maintain that high level of earnings to pay their debts.

Romney in 2007 told the New York Times he had nothing to do with taking dividends from two companies that later went bankrupt, and that one should not take a distribution from a business that put the company at risk.

Yet Geoffrey Rehnert, who helped start Bain Capital and is now co-CEO of the private equity firm The Audax Group, told me for my Penguin book, "The Buyout of America: How Private Equity Is Destroying Jobs and Killing the American Economy," that Romney owned a controlling stake in Bain Capital between approximately 1992 and 2001. The firm under his watch took such risks, time and time again.

Bain and Goldman Sachs, for example, put $85 million down in a $415 million 1994 leveraged buyout of Baxter International's medical testing division (renamed Dade Behring), which sold machines and reagents to labs.

Former Dade CEO Scott Garrett, who managed the business for the first few years after the takeover, said Romney "was far more in tune with what was going on throughout his firm, and even the portfolio companies, than you might expect."

Bain reduced Dade's research and development spending to 6 to 7 percent of sales, while its peers allocated between 10 and 15 percent. Dade in June 1999 used the savings as part of the basis to borrow $421 million. Dade then turned around and used $365 million from the loan to buy shares from its owners, giving them a 4.3 times return on their investment.

A Dade executive, who requested anonymity, said he confronted new CEO Steven Barnes after a boardroom meeting within a week of the distribution.

"You really think it's a good idea to borrow, you know, one times sales?" he asked.

"Oh. Yeah. Yeah. You know, that's fine," Barnes responded. "You know companies do that all the time."

The executive then told Barnes, "Well, that'd be like me going out and borrowing the amount of money I make in a year and then trying to pay it off and pay for my house and feed myself and everything else. That doesn't make sense." The executive said he let it drop after that.

In August 2002, Dade filed for bankruptcy.

This was not an isolated case.

* Bain in 1988 put $5 million down to buy Stage Stores, and in the mid-'90s took it public, collecting $100 million from stock offerings. Stage filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

* Bain in 1992 bought American Pad & Paper (AMPAD), investing $5 million, and collected $100 million from dividends. The business filed for bankruptcy in 2000.

* Bain in 1993 invested $60 million when buying GS Industries, and received $65 million from dividends. GS filed for bankruptcy in 2001.

* Bain in 1997 invested $46 million when buying Details, and made $93 million from stock offerings. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003.

Romney's Bain invested 22 percent of the money it raised from 1987-95 in these five businesses, making a $578 million profit.

While I have not investigated all of Romney's Bain investments and there may be cases where he made money and improved businesses, there's little question he made a fortune from businesses he helped destroy.

Mitt Romney, through his spokesman, did not return calls. Bain declined comment.

Bain of his existence

Romney said:

He was not involved in decisions to take distributions from two Bain Capital businesses that later failed. New York Times, June 3, 2007

“People in America want to know who can get 15 million people back to work.”

Romney did:

Owned a controlling interest in Bain Capital when it took payments from five companies that later failed.

Made fortunes by bankrupting five profitable businesses that ended up firing thousands of workers

Only some of this had taken place when he ran against Teddy Kennedy and the left used it to destroy his candidacy.... anyone who thinks this entire list and more will not be unleashed is whistling in the dark.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline massadvj

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2011, 01:55:18 am »
All the reasons for why not Romney are neatly chronocled in this NYPost article:

Only some of this had taken place when he ran against Teddy Kennedy and the left used it to destroy his candidacy.... anyone who thinks this entire list and more will not be unleashed is whistling in the dark.

What Bain Capital did to its various companies, the Fed has been doing to the whole country.  Romney should be right at home in the federal government.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2011, 01:59:25 am »
What Bain Capital did to its various companies, the Fed has been doing to the whole country.  Romney should be right at home in the federal government.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: Don't Let the Left Pick Our Nominee
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2011, 04:07:12 pm »
What Bain Capital did to its various companies, the Fed has been doing to the whole country.  Romney should be right at home in the federal government.

Unfortunately that is all too true.  Furthermore, I would expect the IRS under a President Romney to become supercharged - tax collectors on steroids, with the emphasis being on renewed hard-nosed collections using whatever means are available, and pinching people until they scream; think banks have been throwing a lot of people out of their homes?  Just wait until a Romney Admin IRS starts collecting back taxes from people who own homes.