California Blows It Again
19 hours ago
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach
Encouraged by the reception of my previous post “Eight Ten-Thousandths Of A Degree Per Gigaton“, which ranged from warm acceptance through amused contempt to outright hostility, I’ve expanded my research to analyze the CO2 emissions of the late great State of California.
In my post linked above, I found that IF the IPCC is correct (which is a big “IF”), for each gigaton (Gt) of avoided CO2 emissions, there is an avoided global warming of 0.0008°C. Please read that post for the detailed calculations.
And utilizing that relationship, here are the past and projected future California CO2 emissions.
Figure 1. California historical and projected emissions, and the avoided warming we MIGHT get from the drop in emissions.
WOW! For all of our sacrifices here in California, for all the money we’ve spent and are projected to spend, we MIGHT cool the world twenty years from now by 0.006°C … be still, my beating heart …
Now, as to how much that has cost and will cost, the numbers are hard to come by. Here are some major costs: