Author Topic: Politico: Trump administration finalizing plans to shutter Education Department  (Read 1080 times)

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Offline mystery-ak

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 Trump administration finalizing plans to shutter Education Department

An executive order — which President Donald Trump is expected to sign sometime this month — was expected to lay out a two-part strategy for shuttering the agency.

By Juan Perez Jr.

02/03/2025 06:16 PM EST

The Trump administration is finalizing plans to dismantle the Education Department through an executive order that would build on the president’s campaign promise to hammer the longtime conservative target.

The order — which President Donald Trump is expected to sign sometime this month, according to a White House official — was expected to lay out a two-part strategy for shuttering the agency, according to two people familiar with the plans and granted anonymity to discuss them.

It would direct the department to craft a plan to wind down its functions using its existing administrative authority. But the order was also expected to call for the agency to inventory a complex set of laws needed to delegate the department’s powers to other agencies and then close the department, an acknowledgment that some of conservatives’ biggest desires for change hinge on congressional approval. Such an order would launch a complex initiative. Some conservatives concede they currently lack enough support for legislation to close the department and farm its core functions out to other federal agencies.

While Trump has been vocal about closing the Education Department, the agency appears to have also drawn the attention of Elon Musk’s government efficiency operation, which picked apart the US Agency for International Development over the weekend.

According to a third person granted anonymity to discuss sensitive information, representatives from the so-called Department of Government Efficiency were working at Education Department headquarters Monday and seeking access to agency records.

A representative for DOGE did not respond to a request for comment. The Wall Street Journal first reported word of administration discussions about the executive order.

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Offline mountaineer

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Good. The more we spend, the less educated the children - or so it appears.
Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?

Offline GtHawk

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Good. The more we spend, the less educated the children - or so it appears.
Maybe the problem is what the education was that the money was spent on, like teaching kids that math was racist because White privilege, and promoting mental illness teaching children they aren’t the sex God made them. Government isn’t the only institution that needs a good enema, we need to flush the turds out of schools from the bloated administration down to the social justice elitists who aren’t there to educate our kids on reading, writing, math, the sciences and critical thinking.

Offline mountaineer

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Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?

Offline berdie

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Although I do think the DOE should be abolished and the burden sent back to the states....I have several relatives in education. They say the primary problem is lack of parent involvement.

I am divided. When I was in school a bazillion years ago, the teachers taught. But my parents made sure I did my homework. On my own. :shrug: They didn't sit down with me and try to continue teaching.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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America put the first man on the moon without a Department of Education.
America cured polio without a Department of Education.

The only contribution the Department of Education has made is student debt, unaffordable college tuition, and spending too much on administrators and too little in the classroom.  Teachers shouldn't have to buy school supplies with their own pay.
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Offline mountaineer

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Although I do think the DOE should be abolished and the burden sent back to the states....I have several relatives in education. They say the primary problem is lack of parent involvement.
Absolutely. There are a lot of people having children who have no business being parents - and are making quite a hash of it, to the detriment of the poor kiddies.

If the Dept of Educ could do one thing about that, I might support its continued existence.
Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?

Offline Wingnut

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Absolutely. There are a lot of people having children who have no business being parents - and are making quite a hash of it, to the detriment of the poor kiddies.

If the Dept of Educ could do one thing about that, I might support its continued existence.

There is a generation or two who think Schools are daycare centers for their unrulily crotch critters.
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

Offline roamer_1

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Although I do think the DOE should be abolished and the burden sent back to the states....I have several relatives in education. They say the primary problem is lack of parent involvement.

I am divided. When I was in school a bazillion years ago, the teachers taught. But my parents made sure I did my homework. On my own. :shrug: They didn't sit down with me and try to continue teaching.

That is exactly right - But it is also the predictable result of taking that responsibility away from the parents in the first place.

Liberty has responsibilities.
Freedom has consequences.

I have said the above for years hereon, and this illustrates it precisely. Old folks homes are another very obvious example. Eventually the responsibility of care is handed off to government, rather than in the hands of the citizens like thy are supposed to be.

Even if it is well-meaning, the end result is that the liberty follows the responsibility - So the government gains its liberty at the expense of the citizen by assuming the responsibility.

What is sacrificed is the liberty of the citizens for the supposed freedom that is offered.  But any freedom is short-lived, as government cannot do these things as cheaply or as efficiently as the citizen... So the cost of care will rise, and the taxes to pay for it, and whatever freedom was gained disappears in the extra work necessary to cover the taxes.

Equally, the kind of care is always bureaucratic - Managing hundreds rather than a few - So the level of care -real care - is substantially diminished in comparison to what a family can do.

It is predictable and inevitable. It shows the intrusion of the government into the jurisdiction of the church and the family.

Offline DCPatriot

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How are you feeling today, "Mr. Ain't my Circus...not my monkeys"??     :tongue2:
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Offline roamer_1

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How are you feeling today, "Mr. Ain't my Circus...not my monkeys"??     :tongue2:


Offline Smokin Joe

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Although I do think the DOE should be abolished and the burden sent back to the states....I have several relatives in education. They say the primary problem is lack of parent involvement.

I am divided. When I was in school a bazillion years ago, the teachers taught. But my parents made sure I did my homework. On my own. :shrug: They didn't sit down with me and try to continue teaching.
One thing that is missing from the picture that was there a bazillion years ago: Mom. Currently, mom and dad have to work, or mom  is working, dad is gone, and mom gets some form of assistance to make ends meet.

When I was little, Dad worked, and Mom worked hard, too, but as a homemaker and full time parent while Dad brought home the bacon (and venison, and wild duck--as did we when we got old enough, and that 'old enough' was a lot younger than what it is today)

But it was my mother who played Offenbach and Beethoven and Tchaikovsky on the record player, who sufferedd through a thousand iterations of "one fish, two fish...
 and later read Shakespeare back and forth with us as kids. She (and Dad) decided in those dark days before the internet that having Britannica in the library was worth it, along with an Unabridged Dictionary, and who constantly admonished us to "Look it up" long before Google was just a few keystrokes away--something it still isn't there, without Starlink or a Hotspot (which is dodgy, at best). To her I owe a lot of my education, and to the encouragement of my grandfather who loved A Conan Doyle and Mark Twain, among so many others.

They understood, that no matter what turn politics may take, what government can do, that even if your lands are seized and you are stripped naked, no one can take what you know away. Of all treasures a family can have, the one earthly thing that cannot be stolen by invading armies or robber barons is an education.

The social devaluing of actual learning, and the pollution/dilution of a classical education that is being perpetrated by Marxists, their useful idiots roped in with the lures of victimhood politics, with 'status' granted to the standard bearers of programs which award honors on those who excel as poster children for 'equity' programs, devoid of any merit save their ability to demand things they have not earned, and muddling even the most basic concepts of everything from math to human biology.

If I could carve one word from the human lexicon, it would be "racist", because it has become not an epithet to hurl at those genuinely guilty thereof (often by those who are practicing it even as they utter it), but an excuse for those who would rather play victim than invest the work involved in earning genuine merit.

As such, the pursuit of excellence has been lost down the dark rabbit hole of ignorance, justified by nonsense.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline mountaineer

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Randi Weingarten accidentally endorses ABOLISHING the Department of Education.  "States and localities run education... they should run it. The federal government should not run it."    :silly:
Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?

Offline mountaineer

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Why is "abbreviation" such a long word?

Offline Hoodat

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Although I do think the DOE should be abolished and the burden sent back to the states....I have several relatives in education. They say the primary problem is lack of parent involvement.

This has been intentional.  Government supplanting the role of the parent.  This has been the goal since the launching of the Great Society.  Parents have been pre-conditioned to not get involved, but to let government do its job.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Offline Hoodat

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That is exactly right - But it is also the predictable result of taking that responsibility away from the parents in the first place.
.  .  . 
It is predictable and inevitable. It shows the intrusion of the government into the jurisdiction of the church and the family.


Correctamundo!  And welcome back, sir.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Offline the OlLine Rebel

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You know, all this stuff is great, but….again, is it really useful as a dictate of “executive order”?

Wasn’t eh DOEd created through congressional approval?  Don’t we need to do the same…for creating DOGE, and eliminating DOEd?

I’m just worried again, it’s by dictate and ultimately a paper tiger that can be u done.  Seems if you’re going to create or eliminate a vast department, you need more than just “so let it be done”.
Common sense is an uncommon virtue.

Offline the OlLine Rebel

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One thing that is missing from the picture that was there a bazillion years ago: Mom. Currently, mom and dad have to work, or mom  is working, dad is gone, and mom gets some form of assistance to make ends meet.

When I was little, Dad worked, and Mom worked hard, too, but as a homemaker and full time parent while Dad brought home the bacon (and venison, and wild duck--as did we when we got old enough, and that 'old enough' was a lot younger than what it is today)

But it was my mother who played Offenbach and Beethoven and Tchaikovsky on the record player, who sufferedd through a thousand iterations of "one fish, two fish...
 and later read Shakespeare back and forth with us as kids. She (and Dad) decided in those dark days before the internet that having Britannica in the library was worth it, along with an Unabridged Dictionary, and who constantly admonished us to "Look it up" long before Google was just a few keystrokes away--something it still isn't there, without Starlink or a Hotspot (which is dodgy, at best). To her I owe a lot of my education, and to the encouragement of my grandfather who loved A Conan Doyle and Mark Twain, among so many others.

They understood, that no matter what turn politics may take, what government can do, that even if your lands are seized and you are stripped naked, no one can take what you know away. Of all treasures a family can have, the one earthly thing that cannot be stolen by invading armies or robber barons is an education.

The social devaluing of actual learning, and the pollution/dilution of a classical education that is being perpetrated by Marxists, their useful idiots roped in with the lures of victimhood politics, with 'status' granted to the standard bearers of programs which award honors on those who excel as poster children for 'equity' programs, devoid of any merit save their ability to demand things they have not earned, and muddling even the most basic concepts of everything from math to human biology.

If I could carve one word from the human lexicon, it would be "racist", because it has become not an epithet to hurl at those genuinely guilty thereof (often by those who are practicing it even as they utter it), but an excuse for those who would rather play victim than invest the work involved in earning genuine merit.

As such, the pursuit of excellence has been lost down the dark rabbit hole of ignorance, justified by nonsense.

Very beautifully stated.
Common sense is an uncommon virtue.

Offline IsailedawayfromFR

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How are you feeling today, "Mr. Ain't my Circus...not my monkeys"??     :tongue2:
There are some still asleep, am afraid.
No punishment, in my opinion, is too great, for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin~  George Washington