Author Topic: "I'm in disbelief that this is actually happening": GOP election denial hits North Carolina voters  (Read 2551 times)

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"I'm in disbelief that this is actually happening": GOP election denial hits North Carolina voters

About three weeks after last November's election, Spring Dawson-McClure received an unassuming postcard from the North Carolina GOP informing her that her ballot "may be affected" by the party's litigation. The notice, blank on one side, featured a QR code that directed her to the state Republican Party's website, where she found her name on a list of voters declared ineligible because their voter registration applications did not have required identification information.

She was annoyed, the 48-year-old Hillsborough resident told Salon, first by having to take time to verify with the Orange County board of elections that her voter registration was, in fact, complete and then with the idea her vote had been challenged at all. The North Carolina native said she has voted in 19 of the state's elections since 2012 and never had any problems before this election cycle.

The challenge came after Appellate Judge Jefferson Griffin, a Republican, sought to challenge his electoral defeat, twice confirmed with recounts, to incumbent Supreme Court Justice Allison Riggs in the state's Supreme Court race. Griffin trails Riggs, a Democrat, by just 734 votes out of some 5.5 million cast. He sued the North Carolina Board of Elections in the state Supreme Court in December after it rejected his election protests, asking the court to force the board to toss out tens of thousands of ballots he alleges are invalid under state law.

As Dawson-McClure learned more about Griffin's escalating election protests and their movement through state and federal court, she said she grew angry — then scared.

"Once I understood that women and people of color are disproportionately represented on the list, as it bounced back and forth from one court to the next, [I got] angry. I'm frustrated. I'm in disbelief that this is actually happening these days," she recalled in a phone interview.

Dawson-McClure is one of more than 65,000 North Carolina voters who have had their votes swept up and called into question in the legal contention over the state's hot-button Supreme Court race. As Griffin's challenge drags on in court, North Carolina voters told Salon they fear their votes will be thrown out — and what that means for democracy in a state where it's already eroded.  ....................
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Offline Kamaji

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Apparently women and people “of color” aren’t very good about filling in their voter registration cards in NC.