Author Topic: Couple who built a cabin in remote Alaska reveal worst things about living in -50 degrees and a deli  (Read 2158 times)

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Couple who built a cabin in remote Alaska reveal worst things about living in -50 degrees and a delicious perk

Daily Mail
26 January 2025

A couple living in rural Alaska revealed what it takes to live the off-the-grid lifestyle, enduring temperatures as low as negative 50 degrees.

Amy and Dennis decided nearly a decade ago they weren't happy with city living and uprooted themselves from Massachusetts to live off the land.

The lifestyle, they told, is not for everyone but it's a dream for them and their daughter Lena.

Living off the land means foraging and hunting for food, using solar power and generators to have amenities that city dwellers may take for granted - such as running water - and having to chop wood in order to stay warm.

Giving up suburban life, they began their journey by looking for rural land closer to their original home in Maine.

'We really wanted our own property to build and raise a family on, and to really live a homestead lifestyle and produce a lot of our own food,' Amy said in a recent YouTube video, a platform they have dedicated to helping others learn skills they've acquired over their journey.

Amy and Dennis said: 'We had no idea what we were doing. Building or anything like that. That was all learning, but that was some of our favorite times.'

The pair took time to save up and learn how they could pursue their dream. Dennis said: 'One of the things we did when we lived back in Massachusetts is we just connected with local farmers and gardeners.

You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
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