Author Topic: Pfluger, Panetta seek to lower military aviation cancer rates  (Read 290 times)

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Pfluger, Panetta seek to lower military aviation cancer rates
« on: January 26, 2025, 02:50:07 pm »
Pfluger, Panetta seek to lower military aviation cancer rates
Military training equipment

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis Richard McDonough (US Dept of Veterans Affairs/Released)
January 26, 2025 Odessa American - TNS
Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) and Congressman Jimmy Panetta (CA-19) reintroduced the bipartisan, bicameral Aviator Cancers Examination Study (ACES) Act. If passed, this bill would direct the Secretary of the VA to study cancer incidences and mortality rates among aviators and aircrew who served in the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.

This legislation is critical as it would improve our understanding of the link between military service and cancer risks among Veteran aviators. By better understanding the correlation between aviator service and cancer, we can better assist our military and provide more adequate care for our veterans, a news release said.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) and Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ), both veterans and members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, championed the Senate version of the bill last session and will do so again this Congress.
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Re: Pfluger, Panetta seek to lower military aviation cancer rates
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2025, 12:30:35 am »
Question is, if there is a significantly higher incidence of cancer in aircrews, what sort of cancer is it, and what is the cause? Does this anomaly appear in ground crews as well (perhaps chemical exposure) or only in aircrews, where higher altitudes lead to more UV exposure (less atmosphere to filter it out). For that reason, they types of aircraft and the nature of the missions (or MOS) might be relevant as well. Not all duty stations will have the same possible carcinogens, either, so there may be a pattern there.
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