We had our MCRC meeting yesterday at the Dream City Church (where Trump came)....it's quite the facility.
We re-elected our board. I like them. However, Trump's success wasn't totally due to our efforts. It was just natural.
First of all, John McCain is gone and the party is recovering from that low-life's constant screwing with the conservative arm of the party.
Arizona is a RED STATE. And we are only going to get more red.
Where I live, we are targeting specific LD's that need help getting back in gear. One of them has about 30% of the PC's they could have. They had some not-so-great LD leadership. That has changed and pretty soon we'll send the senator and two house members (all democrats) packing.
In two week's we have the AZ GOP meeting. I am a state committeeman. Looking forward to it.