Author Topic: NJ Mayor Thinks Mystery Drones Are Looking for ‘Radioactive Material’ that Went Missing Weeks Ago  (Read 1240 times)

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NJ Mayor Thinks Mystery Drones Are Looking for ‘Radioactive Material’ that Went Missing Weeks Ago

Pam Key 17 Dec 2024

Belleville, NJ Mayor Michael Melham said Tuesday on Fox5’s “Good Day New York” that missing radioactive material might be what the mysterious drones over his state are looking for.

Melham said, “Information has not been forthcoming, and it’s this lack of transparency, in my opinion, that’s doing nothing but fueling conspiracy theories online.”

He continued, “I know that we were told by our state police that we have assets over our critical infrastructure. Now, depending on your point of view, that’s either concerning or comforting. I think it’s comforting because it’s probably us listening and watching. We also know that we have drones that are flying in a grid like pattern. In my opinion, they’re looking for something. What might they be looking for? Well, potentially, we’re aware of a threat that came in through Port Newark. Maybe that’s radioactive material. There was an alert that’s out right now that radioactive material in New Jersey has gone missing. On December 2nd was a shipment. It arrived at its destination. The container was damaged and it was empty.”

He added, “It was lost in New Jersey in transit and again, this is just an example of what I think that we’re sniffing for. I think we do have the assets that can go up and fly around and and sniff thing, which is why we’re not seeing the uptick we used to see in Belleville anymore. It’s kind of moving, but we’re seeing alerts, and it’s happening now in Pennsylvania.”

Melham concluded, “That’s the crazy part about this. And we’ve gotten very little information even yesterday on that call with the White House. Literally, mayors were told, you guys are seeing things — there’s no credibility to this. We have one mayor, like I said, had drones over his house. I mean, we’re no longer going to stand for not hearing the truth. I mean, our state government is failing us. They’re not getting the answers from the federal government. And even though yesterday they told us that there’s nothing to see here today, there’s a top-secret briefing going on in Congress. What are they being told? That we weren’t told yesterday?”
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This is from the Federal Gov which has no credibility whatsoever

Missing ‘radioactive material’ mayor hinted drones were ‘sniffing’ for is standard medical equipment
Jack Birle
December 17, 2024 2:05 pm

As reports have swirled over sightings of drones in the skies over New York and New Jersey, one New Jersey mayor said the drones may be searching for missing “radioactive material,” but the theory he referenced is less alarming than it seems.

Federal officials have downplayed the threat the reported drones may pose, but Belleville, New Jersey, Mayor Michael Melham suggested to Fox 5 New York on Tuesday that the alleged drones, which have captured national attention, could be looking for missing radioactive material.

“We know we have drones flying in a grid-like pattern. In my opinion, they’re looking for something. What might they be looking for? We’re aware of a threat that came through Port Newark. Maybe that’s radioactive material. There is an alert that’s out right now that radioactive material within New Jersey has gone missing on Dec. 2,” Melham said.

“It was a shipment. It arrived at its destination. The container was damaged, and it was empty,” he added.

The alert from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that Melham referred to was issued earlier this month and said the material event contained a “less than Cat 3” level of radioactive material, which means it is “very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury.”

The material was headed to the Nazha Cancer Center and was an Eckert & Ziegler model HEGL-0132, a piece of standard medical equipment. The minor piece of missing radioactive material appears not to be the source of a widespread search.

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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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