Better than the best the Rats can put up. We should have an assortment of decent candidates by Primary, '26.
Whoever they are, I don't want to see the kind of "carnage" campaigns that Lake runs.
You put forth your points......and I'll decide. If you hate on your opponent, I'll not be voting for you (based on that alone....I don't give a rat's rear what your policies are).
In Kansas, we had two strong conservatives (members of the house) running for the senate seat formerly held by Sam Brownback. One was Jerry Moran. The other was Todd Tiahart. Both were strong. But Moran was very popular in the western part of the state. Tiahart took a scorched earth approach and ran a savage negative campaign. Even my wife, who is very apolitical, was disgusted with Tiahart. She didn't even know what he was running for. She just thought his commercials were garbage.
I was totally pissed at Tiahart and let every "lethargic" republican I know that they should vote for Moran. Not because of me...but....just because. Moran beat Tiahart by 5%.
I was pretty much determined that I didn't care if Tiahart walked on water.....I'd never vote for him for ANYTHING except maybe dog catcher.