We're going from massive almost supersonic jet airliners to blimps... all in the name of sustainability?
Sustainability, luxury and safety. Not blimps, airships. Rigid-framed airships. The Graf Zeppelin and Hindenberg were more like cruise ships than even the first class cabins on today's airliners. Actually, we should just dust off the specs for those two, update them with modern composite materials, modern engines, fill the new ones with helium (or even a mixture of He and H2 with little enough hydrogen as to be non-flammable). That and find people with experience sailing to pilot them. Flying an airship requires the same sort of respect for the weather that piloting a sailing ship does, even though they have engines to power them. Thinking you could fly them like airplanes and go through storms was how the US lost most of our military airships, and the UK had the one commercial airship disaster besides the Hindenberg. Yes, safety, airships had fewer fatalities
per passenger mile travelled than airliners or automobiles.