Author Topic: Satanic Statue Displayed Outside New Hampshire State House Has Been Destroyed  (Read 1390 times)

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Satanic Statue Displayed Outside New Hampshire State House Has Been Destroyed

Trending Politics News
By Cullen McCue
December 12, 2024

A statue of pagan deity Baphomet, which was erected outside the New Hampshire State House by the Satanic Temple, has been destroyed.

State Rep. Ellen Read, a Democrat, told that the statue was toppled not long after it was unveiled on Saturday. Photos of the statue, which was displayed next to a nativity scene, show only the torso remaining after its head and torso were toppled. A tablet listing tenets of the Satanic organization was also destroyed.

Police said they are investigating the statue’s destruction, which is believed to have occurred sometime between Sunday morning and Monday afternoon.

You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

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I understand the need for religious freedom and the concept of free speech, but this breaks my heart.
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If God invented marathons to keep people from doing anything more stupid, the triathlon must have taken him completely by surprise.

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What a shame.

Baby Jesus is a prime suspect in this crime.  His foot prints were found leading from his manger to the Satan display and back.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2024, 10:40:06 pm by Wingnut »
You don’t become cooler with age but you do care progressively less about being cool, which is the only true way to actually be cool.

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Vandalism I could condone for once.
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