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Report: Planned Parenthood Sold Aborted Babies For Experiments


Report: Planned Parenthood Sold Aborted Babies For Experiments
Shawn Fleetwood

Planned Parenthood has been providing “viable nonanomalous” babies murdered in “elective abortions” to the University of California San Diego (UCSD) for experimentation, according to a new report.

Published by The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the emails detail a “Research Plan” that documents the harvesting of babies for experimentation on their bodies. The plan was submitted to and approved by UCSD’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) in 2018. The heavily redacted communications were obtained by the group via open records request.

According to the records reported by CMP, researchers unveiled plans in their submission to “collect tissues from fetuses ranging from 4 to 23 weeks gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego.” The researchers further noted that patients with “viable nonanomalous … fetuses” would partake in the analysis.

Planned Parenthood will gather “evidence of fetal heart activity by ultrasound immediately prior to the dilation and evacuation procedure,” the submitted plan reads. The abortion provider aimed to harvest babies from “up to 2,500 patients,” according to the plan.

As noted by CMP, the “majority of healthy infants born at 23 weeks can survive with modern medical care.”


Smokin Joe:
IIRC, Project Veritas (O'Keefe) had video of them talking about procuring various parts for pay on tape. Even joking about getting a Lambo with the proceeds...


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