America should have left Afghanistan after Osama bin Laden was killed (in Pakistan).
Paul Bremer screwed up the Occupation in Iraq.
America should not be putting building other nations ahead of building America.
America should not build nations for people who are not willing to put in their own sweat equity.
We trained the Afghan Army for years, left them Billions of dollars of weapons, and the folded like a beach chair. The Afghans had no interest in fighting the Taliban and preserving the Government in Kabul.
America invaded Iraq to seize weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. We took out Sadam Hussein and his Baathist regime, only to create an Iraq divided into three spheres of influence - Shi'ite influenced by Iran, Wahhabi Sunni influenced by Saudis, and the Western-friendly Kurds.
During the Cold War, America backfilled areas being abandoned by a collapsing British Empire to keep them out of Soviet hands.
The British and the British Raj were never ever able to subdue Afghanistan. Why did Bush '43 and Obama think they could?
After World War I, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine were carved out of a collapsing Ottoman Empire by the British using imaginary lines agreed to in the Sykes Picot agreement. We no longer need their oil. We do not need to be drawn in to the Middle East's ethnic and religious strife to protect Europe's, India's, and Asia's oil supply.
American involvement in the Middle East is bleeding American lives, treasury, diplomatic capital by a thousand cuts. Is it worth all this to protect former British and French colonial Mandates and Protectorates?
What is the National Interest of the American People that the American military is protecting in the Middle East? The American military is being used as a mercenary force to protect other nations' interests in the Middle East.
American diplomatic and economic capital would provide a better return for the American People if was deployed in America first, then Latin America, and Africa after that.
European elites think of a Americans as backwater hick country cousins. Europe can't maintain peace on its own continent without American help. The British, French, Germans, and Russians are too busy playing games of European Continental Influence against each other.
Why did NATO let German become overly dependent on Russian natural gas? The Soviet Union was the aggressor NATO was formed to counter-balance. Putin was going to use energy as leverage to impose Russian Influence upon Europe.
America was the Arsenal of Democracy for World Wars I & II because of its resources and industrial base. The Chi-coms knew this, and they use Globalism to shrink that industrial base to make America a weaker nation.
Western leaders are asleep at the switch because they are distracted by all this Globalism and Global Climate Change nonsense, which mainly benefits Russia and China because it weakens the West.
Maybe one day I'll care about foreign politics, maybe. What's the over-under on how many Governments the Italian Parliament will dissolve and form before the New Year?
This is... disappointing to me, for someone who basically has hardly ever cared about foreign politics.