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Nauseating Obama Speech JIP
« on: August 03, 2011, 12:26:08 pm »
Nauseating Obama Speech JIP
August 2, 2011


RUSH: Here he comes now.  Just in time to be JIPped.  Okay, kill the music.  Our statements, our microphones are there.

OBAMA:  -- the deficit and avert a default that would have devastated our economy.

RUSH:  I'm gonna throw-up during this, I know I am.

OBAMA:  It was a long and contentious debate and I want to thank the American people for keeping up the pressure on our elected officials to put politics aside and work together for the good of the country.  This compromise guarantees $2 trillion more in deficit reduction.

RUSH:  It does not.

OBAMA:  It's an important first step to ensuring that as a nation we live within our means.

RUSH:  It does not.

OBAMA:  Yet it also allows us to keep making key investments in things like education and research that lead to new jobs.

RUSH:  It does not.

OBAMA:  And assures that we're not cutting too abruptly while the economy is still fragile.

RUSH:  Not cutting anything.

OBAMA:  This is, however, just the first step.  This compromise requires that both parties work together on a larger plan to cut the deficit, which is important for the long-term health of our economy.

RUSH:  Extra flour in his hair today.  It's grayer.

OBAMA:  Since you can't close the deficit with just spending cuts, we'll need a balanced approach --

RUSH:  Yeah.

OBAMA:  -- where everything's on the table. 

RUSH:  Balanced my ass. 

OBAMA:  Yes, that means making some adjustments to protect health care programs like Medicare so they're there for future generations.

RUSH:  Jackass. 

OBAMA:  It also means reforming our tax code so that the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations pay their fair share.

RUSH:  Here we go.

OBAMA:  And it means getting rid of taxpayer subsidies to oil and gas companies and tax loopholes that help billionaires pay a lower tax rate than teachers and nurses.

RUSH:  Bye-bye America.

OBAMA:  I've said it before, I will say it again, we can't balance the budget on the backs of the very people who have borne the biggest brunt of this recession.

RUSH:  We're not balancing it, period.
OBAMA:  We can't make it tougher for young people to go to college or ask seniors to pay more for health care or ask scientists to give up on promising medical research because we couldn't close a tax shelter for the most fortunate among us.  Everyone's gonna have to chip in.  That's only fair.  That's the principle I'll be fighting for during the next phase of this process.

RUSH:  What phase?

OBAMA:  And in the coming months I'll continue also to fight for what the American people care about most:  new jobs, higher wages and faster economic growth.

RUSH:  Oh, yeah, how you gonna do that?  Been working on it for two and a half years.

OBAMA:  While Washington has been absorbed in this debate about deficits, people across the country are asking what can we do to help the father looking for work?  What are we gonna do for the single mom who's seen her hours cut back at the hospital?

RUSH:  Get a husband.

OBAMA:  What are we gonna do to make it easier for businesses to put up that "now hiring" sign?

RUSH:  Get rid of you.

OBAMA:  That's part of the reason that people are so frustrated with what's been going on in this town.  In the last few months the economy's already had to absorb an earthquake in Japan --

RUSH:  And you.

OBAMA:  -- economic headwinds coming from Europe --

RUSH:  And you.

OBAMA:  -- the Arab Spring and the rise in oil prices --

RUSH:  And you.

OBAMA:  -- all of which have been very challenging for the recovery.

RUSH:  The worst part has been you.

OBAMA:  But these are things we couldn't control.  Our economy didn't need Washington to come along with a manufactured crisis to make things worse.

RUSH:  Oh, well, it did.  We just got one.

OBAMA:  It's pretty likely that the uncertainty surrounding the raising of the debt ceiling for both businesses and consumers has been unsettling and just one more impediment to the full recovery that we need --

RUSH:  By design. (crosstalk)

OBAMA:  -- that we could have avoided entirely.

RUSH:  Wrong.

OBAMA:  So, voters may have chosen divided government but they sure didn't vote for dysfunctional government.  They want us to solve problems.  They want us to get this economy growing and adding jobs.  And while deficit reduction is part of that agenda --

RUSH:  There isn't any.

OBAMA:  -- it is not the whole agenda.  Growing the economy isn't just about cutting spending.  It's not about rolling back regulations to protect our air and our water and keep our people safe.  That's not how we're gonna get past this recession.

RUSH:  How are we?
OBAMA:  We're gonna have to do more than that.

RUSH:  Like what?

OBAMA:  And that's why when Congress gets back from recess, I will urge them to immediately take some steps --

RUSH:  What?

OBAMA:  -- bipartisan, commonsense steps --

RUSH:  What steps?

OBAMA:  -- that will make a difference --

RUSH:  What?

OBAMA:  -- that will create a climate where businesses can hire, where folks have more money to -- in their pockets to spend --

RUSH:  You've got nothing --

OBAMA:  -- and people who are out of work can find new jobs.

RUSH:  -- to do with that.

OBAMA:  We need to begin by extending tax cuts for middle-class families --

RUSH:  They don't pay 'em anyway.

OBAMA:  -- so that you have more money in your paychecks next year.  If you've got more money in your paycheck you're more likely to spend it, and that means small businesses and medium size businesses and large businesses will all have more customers.

RUSH:  I thought we were supposed to save more. (crosstalk)

OBAMA:  And while we're at it, we need to make sure that millions of workers who are still pounding the pavement looking for jobs to support their families are not denied needed unemployment benefits.

RUSH:  Well, then why look for a job? (crosstalk)

OBAMA:  -- we can cut the red tape that stops too many inventors and entrepreneurs from quickly turning new ideas into thriving businesses, which holds our whole economy back.  And I want Congress to pass a set of trade deals.

RUSH:  Yeah.

OBAMA:  Deals we've already negotiated and would help displaced workers looking for new jobs and would allow our businesses to sell more products in countries in Asia and South America, products that are stamped with the words "Made in America."

RUSH:  What trade deals?

OBAMA:  We also need to give more opportunities to all those construction workers out there who lost their jobs when the housing boom went bust.

RUSH:  Well?

OBAMA:  We could put them to work right now by giving loans to private companies that want to build our roads and out bridges and our airports.

RUSH:  What was what the TARP was; we already did that!

OBAMA:  We have workers that need jobs and a country that needs rebuilding.

RUSH:  We already did it.

OBAMA:  An infrastructure bank would help us put them together.

RUSH:  An infrastructure bank?

OBAMA:  While we're on the topic of infrastructure, there's another stalemate in Congress right now involving our aviation industry which has stalled airport construction projects all around the country and put the jobs of tens of thousands of construction workers and others at risk because of politics.  It's another Washington inflicted wound on America, and Congress needs to break that impasse now, hopefully before the Senate adjourns so these folks can get back to work.  So these are some of the things that we could be doing right now.  There's no reason for Congress not to send me those bills so I can sign them into law right away, as soon as they get back from recess.
RUSH:  Send them up there, that's right.

OBAMA:  Both parties share power in Washington.

RUSH:  Yeah, yeah.

OBAMA:  And both parties need to take responsibility for improving this economy.  It's not a Democratic responsibility or a Republican responsibility.  It is our collective responsibility as Americans, and I'll be discussing additional ideas in the weeks ahead to help companies hire, invest, and expand.

RUSH:  You don't know a thing about it.

OBAMA:  So we've seen in the past few days that Washington has the ability to focus when there's a timer ticking down and when there's a looming disaster.

RUSH:  Screw everything up.

OBAMA:  It shouldn't take the risk of default, the risk of economic catastrophe to get folks in this town to work together and do their jobs.

RUSH:  There wasn't gonna be a default.

CALLER:  Because there's already a quiet crisis going on in the lives of a lot of families in a lot of communities all across the country.  They're looking for work, and they have been for a while.

RUSH:  Yeah, since you got into office!

OBAMA: They're making do with fewer hours or fewer customers, or they're just trying to make ends meet.  That ought to compel Washington to cooperate, that ought to compel Washington to compromise, and it ought to compel Washington to act.

RUSH:  How about get out of the way?

OBAMA:  That ought to be enough to get all of us in this town to do the jobs we were sent here to do.

RUSH:  You haven't the slightest clue what to do.

OBAMA:  We got to do everything in our power to grow this economy and put America back to work.  That's what I intend to do and I'm looking forward to working with Congress to make it happen.

RUSH:  All right, that's it.

OBAMA:  Thanks very much everybody.

RUSH:  I told you in the last hour he's calling for more stimulus spending.  That's all that was.  He wants more stimulus spending.  Folks, he's gonna break this country.  More stimulus spending.  That's all it is.  Meanwhile, our guys, God love 'em, our guys think they headed off some big crisis at the pass. Our guys think they headed off a mean old stagecoach at the pass.  Why, we staved off that mean old default.  And it was never about default.  We were never gonna default.  It was a phony manmade crisis, and our guys fell for it.  We don't want to get blamed for it.  We're not gonna get blamed for it. We only got one-third of the government.  All this is about more stimulus.  All this is about more spending. 

How dare he talk about doing more on infrastructure when the first stimulus was sold on that basis?  Of course the first stimulus, we know, went to teachers and state employees, Democrats, keep 'em employed 'cause they pay dues, 'cause those dues come right back to the Democrat Party.  So Christmas in August for Obama.  That is what he got.  This was an official campaign speech, using the word "folks" and dropping his G's, that makes it a campaign speech.  How come Obama didn't tell Grandma that her Social Security check is gonna run out, she has nothing to worry about when it comes to Social Security and Medicare?  How come he didn't tell her that?  How come he didn't tell her that all these things have been saved?  How come he didn't tell her that Medicare's been saved, that Social Security has been saved, and that the veterans' checks are now gonna go out. Why didn't he say any of that?  Because they were never threatened in the first place. 

I've just been handed a note here that says, "Rush, you were right.  Harry Reid, joint committee, must include taxes or trigger will kick in."  Well.  Told you.  Yesterday we were sitting here and we were discussing whether the Bush tax cuts sunset or not. No matter what the scenario, there will have to be a tax increase.  The Republicans were running around all day yesterday and the day before claiming victory because they had come up with a plan that guarantees no tax increases.  Obama doesn't get to raise taxes, no tax increases in this deal. 

Here's Dingy Harry in a statement fairly recently. "We've had too much talk the last few days of Republicans as early as this morning, Republican leaders in the Senate saying there will be no revenue. That's not going to happen. Otherwise, the trigger is going to kick in. The only way we can arrive at a fair arrangement for the American people with this joint committee is to have equal sharing. It's going to be painful. Each party if they do the right thing, it's going to be painful for them because to be fair, we have to move forward. There has to be equal spending cuts, there has to be some revenue that matches that," said Dingy Harry on the floor of the Senate right before voting started on the debt deal.

So the joint committee must include taxes or the trigger will kick in.  I was right.  And here's Harry Reid saying, you know, these Republicans saying that they won, there's no tax increases in the deal, it's not true.  And of course there will be tax increases.  Obama just spelled it out.  Yeah.  On the day we're supposed to be celebrating spending cuts.  I mean that's the meme, right?  The Republican meme is look at what we did, why, we headed them off at the pass, we stopped all these spending cuts, happy days are here again. And out from the Oval Office comes Obama to detail all of his new spending in a campaign speech, all because we didn't want to get blamed for a phantom default that was never going to happen.


RUSH: I just got a note. I just got a note from a friend of mine who plays the markets, and he just heard Obama. He says, "Boy, how stupid is Obama. What an idiot Obama is! Didn't Obama hear? The Republicans said, 'No new taxes, no new taxes,' and here's Obama talking about tax increases," and I'm thinking my friend got "Who's stupid?" backwards.
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