Disgusting: Nasty Far-Left Code Pink Radicals Sneak Into Synagogue Pretending to be Congregants, Harrass Jewish CNN Anchor Dana Bash (Video)
by Margaret Flavin Nov. 16, 2024 12:00 pm517 Comments
CNN’s Dana Bash recently got an up close and personal experience with the disgusting tactics of the nasty far-left radicals in Code Pink, a group embraced by Democrats.
The Hamas cheerleaders confronted Bash in a synagogue after entering the holy place pretending to be congregants.
“Hi. My name is Liz (unintelligible). I’m a member of this community,” the woman said. “I want to tell you that I’m really upset at what I perceive to be the contemplation of anti-Semite violence. This is not true. That is very anti-Semitic and very dangerous to our Jewish community and our Jewish values. When you do that, I just don’t know if you understand that you are being a mouthpiece for the genocide in Gaza. That is wrong. Genocide is the most anti-Semitic thing out there.”