The Week That Was: 2024 11-02 (November 2, 2024)
Brought to You by SEPP (
The Science and Environmental Policy Project
Quote of the Week: “Collective fear stimulates herd instinct and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.” — Bertrand Russell, Unpopular Essays
Number of the Week: 95%
By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
Scope: This Week discusses the complexity of the sun and part of what we do not know. It presents the abstract of a paper by Donald Rapp who is concerned about rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Also discussed are the false notion of settled science, questionable classification of subsidies, rising electricity rates in the US, the use of the term unprecedented, and the questionable optimism of a recent report by the IEA,
The Mysterious Sun: The Sun and the relationship between Earth and Sun are the dominant characteristics of climate change. According to the mathematical model developed by Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitch three types of cyclical patterns describe how the Earth revolves around the Sun:
The shape of Earth’s orbit, known as eccentricity;
The angle Earth’s axis is tilted with respect to Earth’s orbital plane, known as obliquity;
The direction Earth’s axis of rotation is pointed, known as precession.