Author Topic: BBC Ignores Spain’s Flood History, Blames Climate Change With Zero Evidence  (Read 177 times)

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BBC Ignores Spain’s Flood History, Blames Climate Change With Zero Evidence
by Anthony Watts and H. Sterling Burnett  Nov 4, 2024

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) article, titled “Scientists sure warming world made Spain’s storm more intense,” ties recent flash flooding in Spain to climate change. This is false. [emphasis, links added]

Data refutes claims that flooding has gotten worse in Europe amid modestly warming temperatures. In addition, the story ignores Spain’s long history of sometimes catastrophic floods due to many of its cities being situated in narrow mountain valleys.

“No doubt about it, these explosive downpours were intensified by climate change,” Friederike Otto, Ph.D., who is co-leader of World Weather Attribution (WWA), told the BBC. “With every fraction of a degree of fossil fuel warming, the atmosphere can hold more moisture, leading to heavier bursts of rainfall.”

The problem is that neither WWA’s Otto nor the BBC cited any data to back up the claim that this storm’s moisture content was enhanced by warming because none exists.
The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
Thomas Jefferson