Author Topic: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Running His Own ‘Horrific’ Migrant Busing Back to Texas  (Read 308 times)

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NYC Mayor Eric Adams Running His Own ‘Horrific’ Migrant Busing Back to Texas

Warner Todd Huston 29 Oct 2024

New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ administration has admitted to busing 4,500 migrants from the Big Apple to Texas despite the mayor’s oft-repeated accusation that busing migrants is an act of cruelty and immorality.

In 2022, when buses from Texas were rolling into New York City, Adams decried the Texas governor’s actions, calling them “horrific.”

“This is horrific, when you think about what the governor is doing,” Adams said in August of 2022.

“It is unimaginable what the governor of Texas has done, when you think about this country, a country that has always been open to those who were fleeing persecution,” the Democrat mayor continued.

“We’ve always welcomed them. And this governor is not doing that in Texas. But we are going to set the right tone of being here for these families,” he said, claiming that they were “forced on the bus.”

But now, Fox News is reporting that the Adams administration has been engaging in a busing program of its own and sending migrants right back to Texas and several other states.

According to the report, city hall has been using taxpayer funds to buy bus and plane tickets for migrants who volunteer to leave the Big Apple.

At least 4,500 migrants have now been shipped out of the city.

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