Author Topic: Cuba working to reestablish electrical service after second grid collapse  (Read 813 times)

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Cuba working to reestablish electrical service after second grid collapse

Cuba's government said it was working again to reestablish electrical service across the island after state-run media earlier on Saturday reported the national grid had collapsed for a second time in 24 hours.
The country's top electricity official, Lazaro Guerra, said on a morning TV news program that another grid malfunction in western Cuba had forced technicians to begin anew connecting three important power plants to the system, temporarily stalling progress.
"I can not assure you that we will be able to complete linking the system today, but we are estimating that there should be important progress today," Guerra said.

Just prior to Guerra's statement, CubaDebate, one of the island's state-run media outlets, said the grid operator, UNE, had reported a "total disconnection of the national electro-energetic system."
Guerra did not directly confirm the total collapse, leaving some confusion as to what exactly had taken place.
Cuba's electrical grid first failed around midday on Friday after one of the island`s largest power plants shut down, suddenly leaving more than 10 million without power.

Even before the grid's collapse, an electricity shortfall on Friday had forced Cuba's communist-run government to send non-essential state workers home and cancel school classes for children as it sought to conserve fuel for generation.
But lights began to flicker on in scattered pockets across the island early in the evening on Friday, offering some hope that power would be restored.

Cuba's government has blamed weeks of worsening blackouts - often 10 to 20 hours a day across much of the island - on deteriorating infrastructure, fuel shortages and rising demand...................
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Kamaji

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Because communism is so much better than selfish, mean-spirited capitalism.

Offline GtHawk

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Because communism is so much better than selfish, mean-spirited capitalism.
How long until the communists in power here start shoveling billions to Cuba to help them with their infrastructure? Seems like just the kind of thing they would do, instead of helping Americans still reeling from the destruction in North Carolina.

Online mountaineer

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Because communism is so much better than selfish, mean-spirited capitalism.
Yes, people are fleeing capitalistic countries for Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea all the time.

Online Free Vulcan

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  • Ah, the air is so much fresher here...

The Republic is lost.

Online mountaineer

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That's what political prisoners are for.

Offline Kamaji

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Yes, people are fleeing capitalistic countries for Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea all the time.


I saw a woman on the subway the other day with hammer & sickle earrings hand-made out of gold wire; it was all I could do to resist the temptation to point out to her that in any real communist country, she would not be permitted to own the gold wire necessary to make the earrings, nor have the spare time to make them (assuming she made them).

These people are so utterly stupid.

Offline GtHawk

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  • I don't believe in Trump anymore, he's an illusion
Yes, people are fleeing capitalistic countries for Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea all the time.
Just like all the “Queers for Palestine” that move there.

Online mountaineer

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Cuba Enters the Dark Ages
It isn’t just the power grid that’s failing. The entire infrastructure of the country—its entire Communist system—is crumbling to dust.
Martin Gurri
Oct. 24, 2024
On August 6, 1960, Fidel Castro nationalized the Cuban Electric Company and sent his minions to celebrate in the streets of Havana. The company’s logo, a lightbulb-nosed stick figure nicknamed “Calixto Kilowatt,” was paraded around in a huge open coffin. I remember watching this revolutionary ritual on Cuban TV, a young kid frightened by the macabre imagery. Castro’s propaganda was never gentle or subtle.

Fast-forward to last Friday, when the electric grid in Cuba suffered a complete collapse. This is not an exaggeration or a metaphor. The entire island went dark—even Havana, which has been protected from the worst of the recent blackouts. It was a civilizational breakdown. The economy quite literally ground to a halt, as factories and stores were ordered closed by the government. From elementary schools to universities, the educational system was put on pause. Hospitals turned people away. For three days, Cuba, already tattered and abused, entered a special circle of hell reserved for the most mismanaged nations on earth.

The material catastrophe is self-evident and can be measured empirically. The depth of human suffering is impossible to gauge from a distance.  ...

Without light, the human mind itself begins to shut down—the Cuban public, frozen in place by an incompetent and antiquated regime, sank to almost metaphysical levels of hopelessness.  ...
Read entire article at The Free Press