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SpaceX requested that the FCC make “several updates” to its 2nd-generation @Starlink



NEWS: SpaceX requested on Friday that the FCC make “several small but meaningful updates” to its 2nd-generation @Starlink

“Together, this modification and its companion amendment will enable the Gen2 system to deliver gigabit-speed, truly low-latency broadband and ubiquitous mobile connectivity to all Americans and the billions of people globally who still lack access to adequate broadband.”

The request includes lowering the altitude of three Starlink satellite shells by 45 and 60 km.

SpaceX also wants the Starlink satellites to harness the E-band radio frequencies to help better deliver high-speed, low-latency broadband to users, including through fixed satellite dishes and mobile equipment.

“The upgraded Gen2 system will feature enhanced hardware that can use higher gain and more advanced beamforming and digital processing technologies and provide more targeted and robust coverage for American consumers – These upgraded satellites can maximize the use of the available bandwidth, enabling more efficient allocation of resources and facilitating a broader range of services.”

Gen2 Starlink satellites will be launched with Starship


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