Author Topic: Texas AG Paxton Demands Biden-Harris Administration Assist in Identifying Noncitizen Voters  (Read 460 times)

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Texas Scorecard by  Brandon Waltens October 7, 2024

Paxton is directly appealing to the federal government for the necessary data to verify voter rolls, insisting that the Biden-Harris administration comply with its legal obligations.

Attorney General Ken Paxton is pressing the Biden-Harris administration for access to citizenship data as part of his ongoing efforts to investigate potential noncitizen voters in Texas.

Last month, Paxton sent a letter to Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson, urging her to request assistance from the federal government. Paxton’s concerns center on federal laws he says prevent Texas from effectively confirming the citizenship status of voter registrants.

Paxton argues that these federal restrictions complicate the state’s ability to ensure noncitizens are not voting, which is a violation of the law. He also stressed that the federal government has a duty to assist states in identifying noncitizen voters.

After expressing dissatisfaction with Nelson’s response, Paxton escalated his efforts last week by requesting a list of voters for whom the Secretary of State lacks a Texas-issued driver’s license or identification card number.

Now, Paxton is directly appealing to the federal government for the necessary data to verify voter rolls, insisting that the Biden-Harris administration comply with its legal obligations.


Offline catfish1957

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This coming out October 8, instead of May or June 8, tells me this that this is more of a Grand Stand exercise , than an effort to really address the problem. 
« Last Edit: October 08, 2024, 01:55:42 pm by catfish1957 »
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Paradigm shift ... thought experiment ... ravings of a  madman who drank too much Nyquil ... if voting was a "job", wouldn't prospective "employees", aka voters, be required to fill out a Federal I-9 form?

If an I-9 form is required for (legal) employee, why not require an I-9 to register to vote, apply for a drivers license, or apply for any other government benefit or service?
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