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SpaceX to FCC: Loosen Rules or Cellular Starlink Tech Risks Becoming Text-Only


PC Mag  By Michael Kan September 16, 2024

The company tells the FCC it needs to operate the cellular Starlink tech beyond normal radio emission limits, otherwise the system risks losing real-time capabilities.

SpaceX is warning that its cellular Starlink system won't be able to provide real-time calling to consumers unless the FCC loosens rules on satellite radio emissions.

"This out-of-band emission restriction will be most detrimental for real-time communications such as voice and video, rendering such communications unreliable both in critical and in common circumstances, increasing risk in emergency situations,” SpaceX told the FCC on Friday.

The company made the statement when AT&T and Verizon — two companies backing a competing satellite provider— have been urging the US regulator to reject SpaceX’s petitions to operate its cellular Starlink tech beyond the normal radio frequency limits.

Although SpaceX’s technology promises to help users receive a signal in cellular dead zones, a key question is whether the Starlink satellites risk generating radio interference. Both AT&T and Verizon contend the technology will do so if the FCC grants SpaceX a waiver to exceed the radio emission limits.

In response, SpaceX has been urging the US regulator to grant the waiver, saying it’s necessary to ensure the cellular Starlink tech can offer robust coverage. At the same time, the company has slammed AT&T and Verizon as “wannabe competitors” resorting to obstructionist tactics.


Smokin Joe:
Well, using the 'rules' to interfere with business is typical of Democrats.


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