General Category > Elections 2024

Corporate Darling: Wall Street Billionaires Line Up to Back Kamala Harris

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No, Blackstone is increasing the price and cost of housing by removing available singel family homes from the marketplace, aka racketeering.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on December 11, 2024, 04:35:28 pm ---Must be a different breed of cat, here. They'd rather own and be able to predict their bills and have that stability. Rents here went from $400/mo to $1600/mo during the last boom, and have settled down to about $800 now. Housing went up, but remains in demand, to escape rent and have equity in the long run. Two income couples are often predicating their budgets on only one income and what he would get if laid off before he found something (anything) else. (Women's jobs tend to be more stable in oil patch towns).

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Never did understand the economics of collecting a pile of rent receipts. Still don't.


--- Quote from: berdie on December 10, 2024, 11:19:07 pm ---I almost agree with the "no desire to own a home" statement. From what I read and hear most would prefer to rent and maintain mobility.

So maybe that's the angle? :shrug:

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in this economy, being tethered to one place is a weakness. That's also a factor in why there are fewer children being born.

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: jmyrlefuller on December 15, 2024, 12:57:03 pm --- in this economy, being tethered to one place is a weakness. That's also a factor in why there are fewer children being born.

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So live out of your Prevost.  :shrug:
Nomadic lifestyles really do suck compared to having a stable home base. 
Admittedly, that depends on your personal situation (family vs single, etc).


--- Quote from: mountaineer on December 10, 2024, 11:12:14 pm ---What the heck is Blackstone all about? That this clown was a Harris supporter tells me it's not anything good.

Blackstone has officially acquired Tricon Residential bringing the amount of single family homes they’ve purchased to roughly 53,448 homes.
They are expanding “To buy 800 houses a month”

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Blackrock?  Their leader Larry Fink is the literal godfather of ESG.  In many ways, he is as complicit, if not more than Soros.  A few years back, I covered this on a thread, and mentioned that conservatives need to fully boycott purchsing any Black Rock Munis.  Until, this gets traction, this POS will continute buisness as usual.


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