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Kentucky baby is 50th to be saved by a Safe Haven Baby Box
Kentucky baby is 50th to be saved by a Safe Haven Baby Box
Bridget Sielicki | June 21, 2024 , 08:48am
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The Safe Haven Baby Box organization is celebrating the life of a baby who was safely surrendered at the Montgomery County Fire Safe Haven Baby Box in Mount Sterling, Kentucky. The surrender marks the 50th in one of the organization’s baby boxes since the first one was installed in 2015 and the first since this particular baby box was installed on April 4.
The Kentucky Safe Infants Act allows parents to leave newborn infants younger than 30 days old at a staffed police station, fire station, hospital, or participating place of worship without fear of criminal prosecution or allegation of neglect. Safe Haven Baby Boxes are safe, temperature-controlled boxes installed in hospitals or fire stations throughout the country; to date, they are available in 17 states. When a child is placed inside, a silent alarm is triggered and emergency personnel respond within minutes. The baby is given medical care and later placed for adoption.
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“Monday afternoon we were honored and blessed to have a baby surrendered at our Fire Station in Montgomery County, KY. The baby boy was surrendered and appeared to be in good health and was transported to our local hospital,” Montgomery County Fire Captain Zachary Adams stated in a press release. “We want to thank Gateway Right to Life for making this possible and Montgomery County Kiwanis for 100% funding of this project! There aren’t words to express how happy we are to be part of this opportunity!”
He added, “Words cannot describe it. We weren’t expecting this. I truthfully thought the box would never be used.” . . .
The tears just flowed as I watched the video. Praise G-d for this mother giving her baby a chance in life.
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