Author Topic: Anti-Israel protesters light flares by NYC exhibit for Oct. 7 music festival victims: 'Long Live the  (Read 713 times)

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Anti-Israel protesters light flares by NYC exhibit for Oct. 7 music festival victims: 'Long Live the Intifada'
Protesters were heard chanting 'Long Live the Intifada' and 'Israel go to hell'
By Landon Mion Fox News
Published June 11, 2024 1:57am EDT

Anti-Israel supporters march in New York City with 'Long Live Oct 7th' banner

Anti-Israel protesters chanted "Long Live Oct 7th" banner on their way to the Nova Music Festival exhibit in New York City that memorializes the victims of Oct. 7 attack. (via FNTV)

Anti-Israel demonstrators were observed Monday night outside the Nova Music Festival Exhibition in New York City that memorializes the victims of Hamas' Oct. 7 attack.

Protesters clashed with police during the rally outside the exhibit during what the protesters called a "citywide day of rage for Gaza," video of the incident shows.

The two sides were seen at one point in an angry exchange when officers ordered the protesters to move outside the barriers lining the street.

The demonstrators were heard chanting "Long Live the Intifada" and "Israel go to hell."

"There is only one solution, Intifada revolution," the protesters also chanted.

They were also seen lighting a red flare, but police instructed them to put it out.

A smoke bomb was set off as the crowd began to get more aggressive, and a flag associated with the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah can be seen being waved at the rally. A banner with the words "Long Live Oct. 7th" was additionally displayed at the protest.

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