State Chapters > California

Gavin Newsom Rebuked by California Newspaper: 'Should Be Ashamed'


Gavin Newsom Rebuked by California Newspaper: 'Should Be Ashamed'
Story by Andrew Stanton • 16h • 3 min read

PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images
California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing rebuke from The Los Angeles Times over the state's delayed enactment of indoor workplace standards to protect workers from extreme heat.

In 2016, California legislators passed a law that would require employers to provide cool-down areas, water, rest breaks, air conditioning and schedule adjustments to employees if temperatures exceed 82 degrees in indoor work environments. This would ensure their workforce do not suffer health conditions due to extreme heat.
However, the LA Times on Friday published editorial stating that these standards have faced years of delays due to state officials' "ineptitude" in enacting the policy. The law stated that regulators should have submitted the standards to a board appointed by the governor in 2018, but these standards have stalled, according to the publication.

"Thanks to ineptitude by state officials, California is heading into another summer without rules to protect the nearly 1 million people who labor inside sweltering warehouses, boiler rooms, kitchens and other facilities," it read.

The dearly departed of Mejifornia will continue to vote for Newsom into the 23rd century, but that doesn't change how unusual it is for the LA Slimes to come out with such a negative editorial about him. :nono:


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