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This Week In Lawfare Land: 'Deadly Force'


This Week In Lawfare Land: 'Deadly Force'
Steve Roberts and Oliver Roberts
9–11 minutes

In Manhattan criminal court, President Trump’s legal team rested its case this week, and closing arguments are expected on Tuesday. After closing arguments, the jury will immediately begin deliberating the verdict. This will mark the first time a jury has ever returned a criminal verdict against a former president.

The criminal cases in Georgia, Florida, and Washington D.C. are still halted while appeals play out. Meanwhile, it was revealed this week that the agents in the Florida classified documents case were authorized to use “deadly force” if necessary when they raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

As the lawfare crusade continues, Democrats are now saying the quiet part out loud. On Wednesday, Democrat New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez admitted in an interview that the lawfare against Trump is achieving the goal of keeping him off the campaign trail, referring to the lawfare as a “legal version of an ankle bracelet around him.” This comes after President Joe Biden taunted and fundraised off of President Trump’s legal cases last week.

Here’s the latest information you need to know about each case.



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