General Category > Immigration/Border

The ‘quicker fix’ to the border crisis is to start detaining migrants; Art Del Cueto


The ‘quicker fix’ to the border crisis is to start detaining migrants; Art Del Cueto
National Border Patrol Council VP Art Del Cueto joins ‘Cavuto Live’ to examine the ongoing border crisis.

What is he talking about?  Mayorkas has lie, er, stated this has been happening from the very beginning! *****rollingeyes*****

The "quickest" fix is to simply ship them BACK TO the border, and put them on the other side of it.

Best done where the 30-foot wall is actually completed.

An "improved wall" in the future should have "voluntary exit ports". They should be designed like the exit gates in some NYC subway stations, with a steel "revolving door" that turns only one way and permits only an exit, not a return. Works great in practice.

The illegal should be told:
You have 2 choices:
- go to prison for a year, and then be deported
- walk through this gate and you are "free".
... and let them take it from there.


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