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Muslim Activists Lead ‘Abandon Biden’ Movement in 9 Swing States to Thwart President’s Reelection


Muslim Activists Lead ‘Abandon Biden’ Movement in 9 Swing States to Thwart President’s Reelection

Nick Gilbertson 25 May 2024

A national Muslim activist group called “Abandon Biden” is organizing operations in nine swing states to prevent President Joe Biden from winning reelection in November as punishment for his handling of the Israel and Hamas war, according to a report.

Minneapolis-based newspaper the Star Tribune reported Sunday of the group’s efforts to keep Biden from a second term, even if it results in a Trump presidency:

    Abdel Salam, 48, is among a group of Muslim activists, including several Minnesotans, who are organizing in nine swing states in opposition to Biden’s re-election. The group’s leaders say they want to politically punish the president for what they describe as enabling mass civilian casualties in Gaza.

Salam, a University of Minnesota human rights professor, ditched the campus in April to help head up the movement.

The group prioritizes punishing Biden over preventing a second Trump presidency, the report indicates. Moreover, Salam told the Tribune a Biden loss over his Israel-Hamas policies would move the needle substantially in making the pro-Palestinian stance the mainstream view of the Democrat Party:

    He said he and other Abandon Biden leaders are evaluating third-party candidates and plan to make an endorsement this summer. And if Trump wins because of their work, “the big gift that would come out of punishing the president is that an entire party … becomes a pro-Palestinian party against the occupation and will begin to look for equity much more aggressively than we have in the past,” Abdel Salam said.


We’ll see how committed they are to this. But, their hatred toward the Jews is powerful and it overrides everything else in their lives

We’ll see


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