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Videos: Trump Tells Libertarians to Enjoy Their 3% Every Four Years After Getting Booed – What Happ

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American Girl:
The Bronx and Libertarians are all in the same week! We are building an unstoppable coalition.  Who’s next?

Look, he is not wrong. Libertarians are a wild breed, but they should really think about being realistic this time around.

Just watched the whole thing. Thought it was a masterclass in political give and take.

One thing is for certain, Biden could never handle that much adversity when speaking to anyone.

I’m not a member of the LP but on many issues, I have a libertarian streak

Trump is not a libertarian. Libertarians favor free markets, free trade, fiscal responsibility, and a limited federal government.

On social issues, Trump’s positions are “flexible.” He’s had multiple positions on abortion over the years  as an example

American Girl:
I know but he's still a better option than Biden in the upcoming election!

Trump reminds the bitching bawlers how their vote actually affected them from the last Presidential election.  Its amAZING PEOPLE SHOULD EVEN HAVE TO REMIND OR POINT IT OUT TO THE STUCK ON STUPIDS.


--- Quote from: American Girl on May 26, 2024, 02:25:46 pm ---I know but he's still a better option than Biden in the upcoming election!

--- End quote ---

That's a damn low bar, and barely true.


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