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Bill Gates affiliated vaccine org GAVI dips into Climate Change: ‘The focus of climate change has sh


Bill Gates affiliated vaccine org GAVI dips into Climate Change: ‘The focus of climate change has shifted from polar bears to people’ – ‘Increasing recognition of the health impacts of climate change’
By Marc Morano
May 25, 2024
“In recent years, the focus of climate change has shifted from polar bears to people. There is now increasing recognition of the health impacts of climate change, which have become a specific IPCC focus.

Language has shifted too, with “global warming” being supplanted by “climate change”, recognising the fact that it is not just higher temperatures that are the problem. Factors such as ocean acidification, changes to ocean current dynamics and extreme weather are all having profound impacts – including on human health.

These impacts are highly diverse. Higher temperatures increase the risk of heat stress. But most impacts are more subtle, and result from complex pathways of causation. The changing distribution of insect vectors is altering exposure to infectious disease; drought or flooding is decimating farming productivity, leading to malnutrition; extreme weather causes floods and landslides that, as well as leading directly to deaths, destroy properties, damage health facilities and prevent people accessing health care; hardship, loss of livelihoods and forced migration can have major impacts on mental health.


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