State Chapters > California

25 Grim Reasons the Wealthy Are Fleeing California


25 Grim Reasons the Wealthy Are Fleeing California
©Editorial credit: Matt Gush / Shutterstock.
There’s a huge movement of well-off people ditching California's beach views for somewhere new. But what’s going on? There are quite a few reasons for this change of scenery, and today, we’re digging into 25 of them.

PeteS in CA:
Well, "The Rich" are not stupid enough to sit still to be plundered by soak-the-rich taxes.

"The Rich" are not stupid enough to sit still while government attacks their businesses.

"The Rich" are not stupid enough to sit still while government finds ways to plunder their assets, securities and real estate

"The Rich" are not stupid enough to sit still while government finds convoluted ways to pretzellate laws into criminalizing normal business actions and personal activities.


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