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Biden West Point Speech: Brain Breaks, Tells Tall Tales, 'Please Clap' Moment, With Embarrassing End


Timber Rattler:

--- Quote ---Joe Biden is in Wilmington, Delaware, for yet another vacation. He did, however, take a brief sojourn from the vacation to go to West Point to deliver the commencement address.

At West Point, Biden had to take a walk to get to the stage after they announced him. It was concerning to watch how he moved forward in that stilted fashion that he has, with the "Mr. Burns" empty look on his face:


Then Biden completely messed up the point of "we lead by the power of our example, not the example of our power."

"Never forget that America is the strongest when we lead not only by the example of our power but the power of our example," he said. Then no one clapped, and that apparently irked him. "You can clap for that," he groused.

Then came the diplomas.  But this was something else. After Biden had been handing out the diplomas for a short while, he was interrupted by one of the West Point officials and moved to the back. You can hear the officer say, "Let's crank it up," and then they had to speed up the process:
--- End quote ---


This was a bigger Biden mess than usual...videos at the link.

Didn't joe play football for the Academy.  I think Roger the Dodger was Joes Back up.


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