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Here’s what’s in the Corps’ new training and education plan


Here’s what’s in the Corps’ new training and education plan
By Jonathan Lehrfeld and Irene Loewenson
 Mar 14, 2023
Lt. Col. Clinton Hall enlisted in the ­Marine Corps in December 1997, ­midway through a first semester in ­college that wasn’t going well.

He went through boot camp — right at the time the Marine Corps was rolling out the final boot camp event, the Crucible, at recruit training — and then infantry school. Hall went on two deployments and became a scout sniper.

After getting out of the Marine Corps and working in security for several months, and not liking it very much, he reenlisted. On his second enlistment, he filed an application for the Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program.

“I chose to apply for a commission because I recognized that the chain of command quickly departs from the enlisted ranks and runs through officers,” he said in a recent news release. “My ability to make an impact would be best realized as an officer.”


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