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Lindsey Graham tells UN International Court of Justice to 'go to hell' over ruling against Israel


Lindsey Graham tells UN International Court of Justice to 'go to hell' over ruling against Israel

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said the United Nations’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) "can go to hell" after the body ordered Israel to halt its military operations in southern Gaza.

"As far as I’m concerned, the ICJ can go to hell," he wrote Friday on X. "It is long past time to stand up to these so-called international justice organizations associated with the UN."

"The ICJ’s ruling that Israel should stop operations that are necessary to destroy four battalions of Hamas killers and terrorists – who use Palestinians as human shields – is ridiculous," he added. "This will and should be ignored by Israel."................

................On Friday, Graham said he was in talks with Senate and House members of both parties to potentially sanction the ICC for the warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant.

Well, of course. I find it interesting that various western nations can watch Hamas violate an existing ceasefire, invade Israel to rape, torture and murder thousands of babies, children, women and men - and still think Israel has no right to respond.

PeteS in CA:

--- Quote from: mountaineer on May 24, 2024, 10:28:46 pm ---Well, of course. I find it interesting that various western nations can watch Hamas violate an existing ceasefire, invade Israel to rape, torture and murder thousands of babies, children, women and men - and still think Israel has no right to respond.

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Zionism - the vision for a Jewish homeland in the land that once was their homeland - did not emerge from a black hole. Zionism was and is the logical response to centuries of antisemitism all across Europe. Zionism predates Hitler by about half a century, that I'm aware of, but that his efforts got cooperation from locals in many countries demonstrated that antisemitism was still alive and cancerous across Europe.

Hitler may have given antisemitism a bad name, for a while, but it never went away. That is true in the US too, especially in Foggy Bottom and Academia.


--- Quote from: mountaineer on May 24, 2024, 10:28:46 pm ---Well, of course. I find it interesting that various western nations can watch Hamas violate an existing ceasefire, invade Israel to rape, torture and murder thousands of babies, children, women and men - and still think Israel has no right to respond.

--- End quote ---

I find it equally appalling that we have a president who definitely appears to be anti-Israel and those in Congress that are pro Hamas.

Good response.


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