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Biden at Kenya State Dinner: “Jill and I Are Honored to Have You Here and We’re Representing…Includi

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Biden at Kenya State Dinner: “Jill and I Are Honored to Have You Here and We’re Representing…Including Many Members of the African Diaspora – ONE JUST LEFT – BARACK” (VIDEO)
by Cristina Laila May. 24, 2024 12:20 pm

Well, this was awkward.

Joe and Jill Biden hosted President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto of Kenya for a State Dinner Thursday evening.

Three US Presidents were together at the same dinner Thursday evening.

The Clintons arrived at the White House.

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Barack Obama also made a surprise appearance.

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Joe Biden slurred through remarks at the dinner.

At one point Joe Biden said Barack Obama is a member of the African diaspora.

“Jill and I are honored to have you here and we’re representing, including many members of the African diaspora. One just left — Barack,” Biden said.

The attendees sat there in shock for a few seconds before erupting in laughter.


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Obama was there just to remind everyone he's still the one running the show.


--- Quote from: mountaineer on May 24, 2024, 06:42:19 pm ---Obama was there just to remind everyone he's still the one running the show.

--- End quote ---


Kamala was there - wearing whatever this is.

LOL @Kamala AGAIN -  I find her hilarious. Almost as loopy as Biden, and it's doubtful she has any dementia, even early onset.

On topic, this just can't go on. Biden is getting worse and worse, he's at the point he can't even function. I think they still may dump both of them before November and try to run a new pair.


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